Planet display glitch
I have had this bug since I started testing, but for some unknown reason thought that there was already a post about this. Couldn't find that post anymore, so I start a new one.
Some planet types look like this (dark side transparent) It is always the same planet types. Gas giants, barren (moon-like) planets, garden worlds (not in the picture) Other planet types are alright, the ones you see in abive image, ocean worlds, arid worlds. These are from my memory I can check all planet types if you like.
My system:
Desktop PC with Windows 8.1
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 graphics card
Encounters strangeness
Sometimes I need to resolve a battle where I don't believe I should have to. As you said in the thread: Leaving system causes auto-resolve?:
I get the feeling that this is not true, or not always true. I played a game as Orthin yesterday and these guys seem to have a better initiative than the Asdar I played earlier. My Ashdar ships always had to defend themselves (the option when an unresolved battle is presented to you) but Orthin ships sometimes had the "Attack" option. As you said somewhere else I can't remember, having better initiative gves the option of engaging the enemy or not.It's not actually leaving the system that forces the auto resolve -- it's ending the turn without taking active control of a battle that your ships have no choice but to fight.
In my last game, I *always* had to resolve battles, no matter if I had the "Attack" or "Defend" option for me. This was true for my scouts (which were far better at fleeing than the Ashdar ones) as well as battlefleets. I once decided not to engage a fleet of an empire I hadn't met since, so I moved my fleet from the star without choosing to "attack". At the end of the turn the battle autoresolved and the other fleet was destroyed.
The same situation for my scouts at the beginning of the game. I was offered the option to "Attack" with my scouts and chose to run away. One turn later the battle autoresolved and my sout was destroyed. (I then traced back some steps and was able to save it by choosing "attack" and fleeing)
P.S.: Right clicking to assign movement orders is great!