Invasion of the On-Hover Icons

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Invasion of the On-Hover Icons

Post by sven »

The bottom-bar UI elements have just gotten a bit of an overhaul -- as of r12176 (stable) planets now use on-hover icons, bringing them into rough alignment with the new fleet UI.

Also, it should now finally be possible to *see* the planetary defense loadouts equipped by your own planets.

Transports now have a number of special on-hover behaviors, which should provide easier-to-use shortcuts relative to the older tradepool / embark / disembark buttons.

The old shift left click colonist transport semantics still work -- but, they should be mostly unnecessary, given the new buttons. Let me know what you think of the changes.
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Re: Invasion of the On-Hover Icons

Post by Gyrfalcon »

I like the changes to the UI for ships and, now, planets. The only suggestion would be to move the planet icons off to the side like for the ships, or even one in each corner and then the sides if there are that many.
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Re: Invasion of the On-Hover Icons

Post by Dinkelsen »

I also like the new icons. It took me some time to get accustomed to them as I am quite a creature of habit. They are helpful and make the game faster by reducing the number of necessary clicks and windows. I would keep the planet icons in the center of the planets where they are at the moment.

At first I didn't like the fact that I had to hit the (?) icon in the center of the planet as left clicking the planet outside of the icon didn't do anything. But yesterdays build let me click anywhere on the planet an dget the planetary report page which is a helpful addition.

For the population move icon I would ask for an addition if that was possible: Clicking the icon lets me select one unit of that race that is the most numersous in the system. That is rather seldom the population I want to move so I rarely use this icon. I still use the shift-click in the planetary report page as it lets me choose which race to move. A small dropdown-like submenu would be good that lets me choose a race if there are more than one races on the planet, if this is technically possible.

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