What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

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What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by evil713 »

I haven't run into any yet. It looks like it's still the same Tech as before. I mean I've seen the Tinkers Forge, which has a side effect does seem to make Fighters and missiles way more viable than before at least for long fights. There's an odd propensity four ships to mount nothing but Point defense versions of weapons especially Point defense primaries.
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by bjg »

I can't recall promises to add any.
Last edited by bjg on Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by evil713 »

It's on the bloody store page!

"Legacies Features
New playable faction: Tinkers
New population type: cyborgs
New planetary special: Planetary Debris Rings and Asteroid Bases
Space Habitats and Re-deployable Mobile Stations
New minor faction: Arda Seed
New “Hyperspace Anomaly” locations
Technology Boosts and Researchable Artifacts
Herald encounters
New technologies, weapons and encounters" <-------- right here.
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by bjg »

Maybe the Herald sells some?
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by Arioch »

There aren't any, currently. I was unaware that item was on the store page; I have corrected it.

The Tinkers' interceptors and MIRV bombers were supposed to have behaviors that would classify them as "new" weapons, and the Arda Seed were supposed to have several new weapons, but these things still aren't working as designed. They will be added in the near future.
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by bjg »

So I've met the Herald. He is offering some boring tech (nothing I can't research myself) in exchange for metal and promise not to go into anomalies (BTW, the list wont update after you buy - allowing to buy the same tech again). I guess there are some (nice but) boring fleets I have to fight inside the anomalies if decide to break the promise. Is this all or the subject still "under construction"?
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by zolobolo »

bjg wrote:So I've met the Herald. He is offering some boring tech (nothing I can't research myself) in exchange for metal and promise not to go into anomalies (BTW, the list wont update after you buy - allowing to buy the same tech again). I guess there are some (nice but) boring fleets I have to fight inside the anomalies if decide to break the promise. Is this all or the subject still "under construction"?
I have briefly mentioned a couple of ideas for victory conditions, specifically on lore speculation forum suggesting to have Hyperspace Anomalies tied to a Victory Condition:
http://stars-in-shadow.com/forum/viewto ... ?f=3&t=629

The idea is to have:
- Population victory: (based basically on the currently available popularity mechanic of the empire within the total pop of the galaxy and also doubles as domination victory if you eliminate everyone who doesn't like you)
- Diplomacy/Influence victory: Buying alliances (if they do not like you doe to the above) and paying the heavy Influence upkeep to win
- Science victory: Researching a tech that enables instant control over the Arda Seed and thus win of the game
- Take and Hold: This would be the domination victory over the Arda Seed, and the empire needs to control all the Hyperspace Nodes for 10 Turns or so

The last one would give a good reason to take and hold an Anomaly
Additional reason should be a science boost when the node is occupied: an outpost with Science module would need to be built at the node to achieve both the above win condition and reap the science benefit. Later would probably be easy to script. If player has said station in the Anomaly System: +30 Science per such system

In come the up till pending new Arda Seed ships: They need some truly heavy hitters to make the Take and Hold condition difficult (the AI will probably not be up to snuff at this point), thus the additional ship(s) (Stevard, Engineer) can be the capital ships of the Arda Seed retaliation Fleets trying to take back the nodes and strike nearby systems as well as key planets of the empire invading their territory and build retaliation bases: Harpy Nests of conquered to secure these. Thus a player could effectively be brought down by the Arda Seed if invading uncautiously (end-game crisis) though they would not totally eliminate the player, thus giving them chance to go for another Victory type instead (though the map would have a couple of Arda infestations scattered around making things more interesting ;)
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Re: What are the new weapons in the Legacies DLC?

Post by akkamaddi »

Another possibility with the Anomalies, which would be particularly valuable if an empire could build a station in one:

- All Anomaly-to-Anomaly travel acts as if a stargate is in effect, meaning all traffic is instant. If the Anomalies could be conquered early in the game, this would turn them into a transit hyperloop through the center of the galaxy.

- If a station is build in the Anomaly and a stargate is built in the station, the stargate acts as an Ancient Stargate, allowing outward travel to any star in a single turn.
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