Game review

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Game review

Post by JanoGames »

Whats going on Friends!

I would like to share this game review of the game.

I hope you all enjoy it!

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Re: Game review

Post by bjg »

Is this a (sort of) spam - the first (and the only) post containing a link? The review is quite lame, the reviewer (most of the times) doesn't really understand what he is talking about (within the first few minutes he criticizes a picture of a ship being a "sketch" while pointing to a picture of a Viper Launcher, and so it goes). The language is not nice (and I don't mean the accent). Tried to bear it, but couldn't for more than 10 minutes.
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Re: Game review

Post by JanoGames »

Hello friend, i guess judging to how agressive your comment is, that you probably are someone with high expectations on a review, and thats fine, if you watch the video, i post links (in it) to more "pro" sites with "pro" reviews.

I suppose you think because someone just comes and offer a simple yet full of information review (made mostly for people that havent purchased the game yet) to get a more informed view of what the game can offer. Again if you would have viewed it entirely you would have seen that i rate the game pretty high. Maybe thats spam for you.

Im a new member, thats it.

If there is a rule against posting links to YouTube on the forums, i didnt knew and i apologize, let me know and il take the post down. No worries.

I find hard to understand when you say "doesnt really understand what he is talking about" if you ment about the "sketch" comment, you should be aware that when you speak commenting something, doesnt always means what you are watching "at the time", when i compared some "very nice graphics on some ships" i was not talking about the nice ones like the Viper Launcher, i ment that for example that small "U" looking kind of ship. Again if this design is awesome for you and you dont agree with what im saying its perfectly fine, however its my opinión.

Bad language, geez! i know its not perfect, but i think you are again expecting more from what it is, feel free to correct me on grammar mistakes, i dont mind at all. Obviously English is not my native language.

Finally, if you didnt like the video, thats again perfectly fine, i guess i could insult you, but no, i actually apreciate the comments, Little piece of advice, respect should be the first thing you should always use when adressing other people, you can say "i dont like this" without having to "bash" on somoene whos trying to just share some information with others, you dont like it, dont watch it, its really that simple.

Sorry for the Wall of text. To others, i find the game to be amazing, and i compared it to other triple A's and im enjoying the gaming time a lot!.

Go support the developers and buy the game Friends!

Have a great day!
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Re: Game review

Post by bjg »

JanoGames wrote:... when i compared some "very nice graphics on some ships" i was not talking about the nice ones like the Viper Launcher, i ment that for example that small "U" looking kind of ship. Again if this design is awesome for you and you dont agree with what im saying its perfectly fine, however its my opinión.
The Viper Launcher isn't a ship, it's a weapon system (it launches balls of plasma). You'd realize that if paid attention.
JanoGames wrote:Bad language, geez! i know its not perfect, but i think you are again expecting more from what it is, feel free to correct me on grammar mistakes, i dont mind at all. Obviously English is not my native language.
I was not talking about grammar (not a native speaker myself). You swear too often and for no reason. If your video was a movie it would've got a "R" rating for the language.
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Re: Game review

Post by Arioch »

Thanks for taking the time to do a playthrough video, Jano.
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