Version r15015 Dev
Playing again with the planet names:
- The german umlauts ö,ä,ü are working fine. Planet Motörhead is happy
- Our funky letter
ß gets translates as
SS...which you probably shouldn't do, some people may get
weird about that.
- Letter
§ gets the blocky treatment. A whitelist may be the way to go. UTF knows so many silly letters and symbols, it's madness
- A lot of french letters (vowels with stuff above them
) work fine.
- sometimes the new planetname is not commited on enter, the old one jumps back in to the name field.
e.g. replace the name with "
/*-+", while accepted by the text field, is silently rejected by the game.
Quirks, not bugs (maybe):
- Just noticed that upper and lowercase are the same letter, but bigger and smaller
- the text courser is not always placed before the letter, but in the middle of the letter. Becomes apparant if you have long names and place the courser on the far right letters. (only windowed mode, probably letter width calculation combined with scaling is off)
Quit dialog box has shown up back for work