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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

mharmless wrote:It is possible to move inside a planet and get blown up, but only into areas where there is no visible overlap.
Might be working as intended? Planets and (and planet-sized ships like doomstars) have circular tactical tiles. Any ship that can rotate is required to have a square tactical tile, stations (which can't rotate) are allowed to have rectangular tiles.

Despite this, the targeting box that appears around a planet is a square. It's mini-map display is a more accurate representation of it's collision area. I should probably change the targeting box to make all of this more accurate.
mharmless wrote:It looks like going 2 squares into the bounding box of the planet causes a self destruction at the end of your turn.
Now that doesn't sound right. It's possible the planet has the ability to launch a boarding action on your ship, and is using a marine raid to destroy you when you end turn (something that currently wouldn't be displayed to the player.) If you hit F1, you'll bring up a console view that might dump some useful info to the screen.

In any case -- this is probably a bug of some flavor. Planets should not be able to board orbiting starships. Would you upload this save? (Just using the in-game upload should work fine -- that system mostly works. It's just in the case we're I've got multiple outstanding mharmless bug reports that my server is currently getting a bit confused. Also a very fixable "bug", btw. But not a top priority one.)

EDIT: This is mharmless. The non quoted above is Sven. For some reason, this shows as a post by me, and I can edit it. Something is up. But while I'm here, uploading the save for this.
EDIT2: This save also has the planetary defense issue. Same fight for both of those.
EDIT3: This was initially the post about the planet exploding a ship that got too far inside its box. Reattaching that image. The ship at the top part of the image will detonate at the end of the turn.
Tripping the planet fantastic.PNG
Tripping the planet fantastic.PNG (819.47 KiB) Viewed 25900 times
Planet Fargone Strikes Back.rar
(215.54 KiB) Downloaded 726 times
Last edited by mharmless on Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Planet claims to have defenses present, but either doesn't actually or doesn't fire them.

Been bombarding Fargone for awhile, after destroying their station. The planet's info screen lists defensive weapons, but it sure hasn't fired them at all.
Planet claims to have defenses but doesn't.PNG
Planet claims to have defenses but doesn't.PNG (561.06 KiB) Viewed 25897 times
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:But, having <1 population unit worth of several different living together on the same world feels like it could lead to a lot of potentially strange edge cases. So, the current rules are such that it's just not allowed.
If you pull up population, you will see a fractional number, and it will predict growth for them. Since they will be genocided at the turn, perhaps the growth number should reflect that, like it does for overpopulation deaths?
Growth numbers do not reflect impeding genocide.PNG
Growth numbers do not reflect impeding genocide.PNG (94.01 KiB) Viewed 25907 times
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:Planet claims to have defenses present, but either doesn't actually or doesn't fire them.
Also a bug. Now, we have 2 saves worth uploading. Um, if you'd pack them into different rars, for the time being, that might make my life easier.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:If you pull up population, you will see a fractional number, and it will predict growth for them. Since they will be genocided at the turn, perhaps the growth number should reflect that, like it does for overpopulation deaths?
Huh. I could swear that worked properly when I first coded it up. Yes -- they should show a negative value. Not showing one is a bug. But, again, probably a low-priority one. I'll look into this when we get around to modernizing the planet UIs.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:During ship design dragged components have a drop hotzone which is not congruent with the graphical depiction of that location.
It's a bug. I can replicate it. Other people haven't been reporting it because it only happens if you're running at a relatively low resolution. Should be a simple fix. Will probably get it dealt with soonish.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:
mharmless wrote:If you pull up population, you will see a fractional number, and it will predict growth for them. Since they will be genocided at the turn, perhaps the growth number should reflect that, like it does for overpopulation deaths?
Huh. I could swear that worked properly when I first coded it up. Yes -- they should show a negative value. Not showing one is a bug. But, again, probably a low-priority one. I'll look into this when we get around to modernizing the planet UIs.
It looks like this only happens with 3+ types of population on world. It appears to work correctly on a biracial world I tried.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Ability to colonize a world is disabled after pulling all the population off of it with transports

The Inferno world on the left was a former colony. I ripped off all the population to see what would happen. World becomes uncolonized and uncolonizable. I replicated this with the icy world on the right as well, but that isn't reflected in the screenshot.
Colonization broken by ripping up the population.png
Colonization broken by ripping up the population.png (968.26 KiB) Viewed 26183 times
Going to go make/upload saves for the earlier ones you asked for.

post edited by sven: got it replicating. this should be a fairly simple fix -- but, it's related to some of the other multispecies population glitches you've found, which are a bit less-simple. i'm not classifying these as "high priority" issues -- but, with a little luck, i should be able to get them dealt with soonish.
Abandoned World Unusable.rar
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:
mharmless wrote:Enemy scout cruiser design does not use all available component slots. Appears to be missing an item in the System slot.
This is actually working as intended, though, I'd appreciate your feedback on whether or not it's actually a good idea.
Allowing split fire from the same hard point will encourage finding edge-case tactics to exploit that fact. It is literally the first thing to jump into my mind, "How could I use divided weapons fire to get an edge in combat?". If I found a way to get an edge doing that, I would find myself doing so, _even if it wasn't actually more fun that way_. I don't think splitting shots is grand enough to require the god-emperor's attention.

EDIT: Also, firing in a batch would make a massive ship with a massive gun battery unable to destroy every small ship in the encounter in one go. He'd pop one per turn, letting smaller ships have a role in combat. They wouldn't be worth firing at early if it meant wasting some of your potential damage. And THAT sounds like an interesting, occasional, once per-battle item for the player to consider.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote: I would find myself doing so, _even if it wasn't actually more fun that way_. I don't think splitting shots is grand enough to require the god-emperor's attention.
Yes, well said. I'm adding that change to the tactical TODOs. Striping out the weapon merging logic will actually make adding new weapon systems to the game simpler. And stripping out the fire-dividing UI hooks should simplify the tactical UI revisions.
mharmless wrote: Also, firing in a batch would make a massive ship with a massive gun battery unable to destroy every small ship in the encounter in one go. He'd pop one per turn, letting smaller ships have a role in combat. They wouldn't be worth firing at early if it meant wasting some of your potential damage. And THAT sounds like an interesting, occasional, once per-battle item for the player to consider.
Also a good point. Reminds me of something Arioch says repeatedly: ideally, the tactical model should be sophisticated enough that simply designing the biggest ship you can, with the best aviable guns, and building them everywhere is not automatically the best possible strategy. Destroyers, ideally, should have a useful tactical role, one that gives players a reason to build them, even during endgames. A simple change like this one -- each hardpoint gets one shot on one target per-turn, is actually a pretty intuitive and reasonable one, I think. And it would have secondary consequences that could get us closer to finding that late-game destroyer tactical niche.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

http://starsinshadow.com/forum/viewtopi ... e5c93#p213

The post you made earlier is now showing up as mine for some reason. And I was able to edit it. I uploaded the save you asked for to that comment. Did you set it as mine so I could do that, or is something else up?
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:The post you made earlier is now showing up as mine for some reason. And I was able to edit it. I uploaded the save you asked for to that comment. Did you set it as mine so I could do that, or is something else up?
Something is up. You can assume I have misused some moderator power out of ignorance. Um. Looks like I accidently hit "edit post" rather than "quote post" when composing my reply. And, thus, I've destroyed your original post :oops:

I'll try to be more mindful of which buttons I'm clicking on in the future.
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Re: Tactical Combat Bug

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:There's a known issue that's proving hard to reproduce. What we know is that during tactical combat, sometimes (perhaps immediately after hitting END TURN) the game will throw this error:

Code: Select all

  Lua state\GUI\~TacticalScreen\ObjectSelection.lua:245: looks like you're trying to push an state that doesn't have a valid reference.
Please keep an eye out for this one if you see it -- and, if possible, try to figure out how to trigger it repeatedly. Any additional information on just what causes it happen could be helpful.

Many thanks.
No luck making it repeatedly yet, but it just happened and I made a process dump while the error was on screen. The save does not reproduce the issue, threw it in for context just in case.
Push a state with an invalid reference.png
Push a state with an invalid reference.png (962.54 KiB) Viewed 25918 times
Tac Crash was Def at Utan.rar
(248.13 KiB) Downloaded 728 times
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

I end up in control of the enemy ships during a tactical battle, after a fighter attack.
After an enemy fighter attack, during which their ships flash into black squares as they fire, I am no longer in control of my units, and can issue orders to enemy units instead.

Two attached saves. The first is "Fighters end fight", created before I realized I controlled the enemy instead of myself. Load that game, advance one year, attack the enemy at his pop 4 world. Advance the center forward ship its maximum distance, but make no other moves. Enemy attacks, and after their fighters attack you will be in control of the enemy ships. If you do not advance, control is not flipped. Reproduced this three times with this save.

The second save is mid combat, after having taken control. Loading the save continues to have me running their units.

Here you can see me aiming the lasers of the enemy ship, after their turn ended. I can't control my own ships.
Tactical Battle Side Switch.png
Tactical Battle Side Switch.png (1021.27 KiB) Viewed 26077 times
I switched sides.rar
(269.81 KiB) Downloaded 729 times
Fighters end fight.rar
(268.24 KiB) Downloaded 758 times
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:I end up in control of the enemy ships during a tactical battle, after a fighter attack.
Known issue. I'll fix it when I get to the tactical revisions pass. Until then, you can consider the occasional ability to control your enemies a "debugging feature" ;)

When it happens -- simply hitting "end turn" should return you to control of your own fleet.