Report - Current Bugs and Issues

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

Base Yoral Scout and Frigate design contains two reactors where one is not needed

To increase production and overall empire efficiency, one could be swapped for research module or armor

Same for Haduir Destroyer
Last edited by zolobolo on Thu May 30, 2019 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

Herald appeared 3 turns before Hyperspace Anomalies research has finished - shouldn't it visit the faction once this research has been done?

Regarding research offered: suggest to have only unique Arda tech for sale and no common tech to make them a bit more special and not feel like a shortcut to existing tech
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

This has been so from the beginning but might be doable: Enable selection of research project even when there is no active research ongoing
Currently the project is greyed out when research has just finished but since this should only be a modifier of planetary research output, should not have a blocker like this right?
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

Player gets vision of an ally of an ally
This is probably not intended and is due to the code, the player inheriting the total view of the ally instead of only of its own ships and stations
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

When intervening in a battle where the enemy of the player is attacking an empire neutral to the player, the battle does not end until the player destroys the neutral empires station (being attacked) or retreats even if all ships in war with the player have been destroyed

This is more a diplomacy mechanic issue in general but might be fixed if victory condition is changed to: If Intervene and at least one enemy ship is present, win if all enemy ships destroyed. It gets complicated when the player actually wishes to destroy the neutral ships but that could be handled by a diplomacy even being triggered when player fires upon neutral declaring war on the faction and thus turning those ships enemy as well where the above rule would still apply

If the player does not fire upon neutral ships though, they are not designated enemy and thus victory condition applies when enemy is defeated even though neutral ships are still on the field

OR: instead of intervene, the option could be split into 2:
1. Intervene on side of faction A
2. Intervene on side of faction B
The above would probably be more simple to implement but does not cover situations where multiple interventions take place so the relationship of the intervenes would not yet be covered unlike with the above first option
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by bjg »


Code: Select all

Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@BattleDraw.lua:122: failed to convert the table at argument 5: (unsupported table key type: boolean)
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@BattleDraw.lua:122:fun:
 Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@BattleDraw.lua:127:
  Lua state\GUI\@EventDispatcher.lua:287:@BattleDraw.lua:355:
   Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\GalaxyMap.lua:707:
    Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\GalaxyMap.lua:848
I can "ignore" the error, but that cancels the invasion of Menkib (making it invincible). :(

Update: strangely, but after I've finished with other activities of that turn that battle went just fine. :?
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

It has been mentioned not long ago that anti missiles have been set to infinite ammo so that defensive ammo does not deplete offensive

On Superdred I noticed that it has counter for anti-missile and runs out - this might be intended though as having separate ammo for defense and offense resolve the above issue

It seems that defensive ammo is double the amount of offensive ammo capacity but if the above is intended it should be made clear what effect extra munition has when designing (defensive ammo is double the offensive amount displayed in design menu and thus extra munition also doubles that)
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by bjg »

Did you (silently) return the starting factory on "Brutal" or is this a bug?

Are Tinkers designed to be among the "native races"? Wouldn't it be more logical for them to be a "lost colony"?
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

bjg wrote:Did you (silently) return the starting factory on "Brutal" or is this a bug?
It was intentional, but I'll probably reverse it in the next patch. Getting difficultly right is difficult, and when the patch notes say something vague like "Adjustments to AI behaviors and advantages" it usually means I've been playing with a lot of different variables.
bjg wrote:Are Tinkers designed to be among the "native races"? Wouldn't it be more logical for them to be a "lost colony"?
Maybe... though the "disconnected" state of their "native" populations makes it somewhat unclear how exactly you should interact with them.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Mithramuse »

sven wrote:
bjg wrote:Did you (silently) return the starting factory on "Brutal" or is this a bug?
It was intentional, but I'll probably reverse it in the next patch. Getting difficultly right is difficult, and when the patch notes say something vague like "Adjustments to AI behaviors and advantages" it usually means I've been playing with a lot of different variables.
To be honest, I kind of prefer having the factory, though I guess the question is whether or not the counter-advantages to the AI are that much better or not. It just doesn't make sense to me that we'd be building all these starships without some kind of functional ship construction infrastructure. :? Yes, we have a starbase, but how did we get that built?

That said, I'm not sure the lack of the factory slowed me down all that much either, since I could adjust my R&D a little to push something useful out that isn't looking for me to construct a ship....
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Mithramuse »

Uploaded game_8206, thinking this might be known currently but it's been a while since I saw it -- I agreed to not colonize a system to the Gremak, a few turns later the Gremak show up to colonize it, I claim this is my space and they agree to withdraw. Seems like they should kind of laugh off my claim, one way or another... maybe even call it a joke, presuming you are friendly, which would give a chance to say, no, really, I mean it (which would likely mean going to war).
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by bjg »

Tinkers created an outpost on olmek8639 with my fleet present, and the game didn't give me an option to "Hail Fleet".
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by PrivateHudson »

Game_8237. Destroyers (normal, not Torpedo) at Canopus show Munitions in 7th slot, while in Ship Designer they only have 6.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by bjg »

I was scouting the Orthin territory and met a Colony ship at their system Alphard. Was able to "hail" their fleet and (despite their colony in that system) say that the system is mine, preventing the colonization (or could get the bonus instead - for allowing them to colonize in their own system).
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Arioch »

PrivateHudson wrote:Game_8237. Destroyers (normal, not Torpedo) at Canopus show Munitions in 7th slot, while in Ship Designer they only have 6.
All warships that carry missiles have an inherent Munitions system, which can be hit and may explode. This does not take up a slot, and is distinct from the Extra Munitions system which is added manually.
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