A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

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A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

Post by evil713 »

Ion cannons, pd ions, and fusion cannons.

Fusion cannons don't really do anything special to warrant their use. Especially if you have unlocked force lances.

ion cannons are just kinda there too, heavy ions got a warp effect (which I am not sure if the effect is in game yet) but there is little to switch to them from turbos.

Pd ions there is no reason to switch to these, if you stick with lasers you get two upgrades, one to increase the amount of shots, and one to pierce armor, making them freaking useful, and that effect carries over to turbo pd. And pd coil guns have shield piercing and eventually a mod for long range, making them a good choice as well. Pd ions need something to make them an attractive choice, something inherent to ion cannons.
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Re: A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

Post by sven »

evil713 wrote:ion cannons are just kinda there too, heavy ions got a warp effect (which I am not sure if the effect is in game yet) but there is little to switch to them from turbos.
opps. that effect is indeed not implemented, and it shouldn't have been assigned to heavy ion cannons, in any case.
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Re: A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

Post by evil713 »

well dang. ions still need something, like an accuracy bonus or an emp effect.
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Re: A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

Post by Arioch »

Ions are meant to be an alternative to turbolasers; if you have researched turbolasers, then it's true that you can skip ions, and if you go straight to ions, then you don't need turbolasers. I agree that the laser-only mods currently makes turbolasers more attractive.

The late-game weapons such as Fusions need a lot more tweaking.
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Re: A few weapons dont really have much attracting there use.

Post by evil713 »

There not a great alternative

ok base stats no mods yes the ions are more damaging. both can get accuracy mods, ions still win.

turbos get rapid fire, doubling there damage and/or more chances to hit the target, and they get armor piercing meaning they can kill something faster and with less effort.

given I can get those mods researched when I have regular lasers its more economical and better for me to get turbos rather than ion cannons. In the energy beam research tree they are the first weak link. Ions need to do something unique to be an alternative turbos. Ecm damage, damage over time, bonus shield damage, arcing damage to other ships, Something!

Edit: Ions are really a gateway tech, that's it, ions are the gatekeeper to disrupters, neutron beams, plasma cannons and hellbores. I can go from turbos to fusion to the stellar surge beam, if I go kenetics or missiles to fill in that gap ill be fine, but if I want any anti-crew weapondry I need ions to get the good caputuring weapons.
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