Report - Current Bugs and Issues

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by PrivateHudson »

Game_9467. Autocombat at Dubhe in current and previous turns between my warships and enemy pop transports leads not to their surrender, as expected, but to their destruction.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

PrivateHudson wrote:No hurry at all, the game is still perfectly playable.
I *think* I fixed the low res scaling issues in r38763. Let me know if you're still having trouble on that monitor.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by PrivateHudson »

Game_9486. Extreme case of a single most important AI deficiency: bad fleet movement when at war. Rewind several turns to see in motion. Due to being at the brink of financial collapse, I resolved to a little victorious war. Only one enemy system was in range, and the only chance at success was surprise attack. But when my fleet arrived, the enemy already waited. It would be the end, if not: 1) superior enemy fleet had not attacked on sight; 2) all (!) enemy fleet was diverted by a single scout; 3) all enemy fleet subsequently waited at Castor, not attempting to recapture anything, while my fleet chewed west half of their empire.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by PrivateHudson »

Game_9487. Haduir declared war for "prosecution of noble Humans" before we (Gremak) had met them (Haduir). Next turn the same will do Orthin, also unmet. Contact with Haduir displayed standard first contact dialog, including option to declare (already raging) war. Suggest to either prevent DoWs to unmet players, or autocontact on DoW (as in Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri).
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by nweismuller »

game_9489: Got requests simultaneously from the Ashdar Colonials and Humanity to declare war on and sever relations with the Tinkers. It proves that if you agree to sever relations with an empire you're now at war with, it sets you back to a state of peace! Can easily be verified, and is certainly a bug.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

nweismuller wrote:game_9489: Got requests simultaneously from the Ashdar Colonials and Humanity to declare war on and sever relations with the Tinkers. It proves that if you agree to sever relations with an empire you're now at war with, it sets you back to a state of peace! Can easily be verified, and is certainly a bug.
Yeah, there's a whole class of related bugs here -- where AIs keep asking you to do things that are either impossible or redundant after you've declared war. I've fixed all the issues of this type that I can find as of r38777. Thanks for the report.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

PrivateHudson wrote:Game_9487. Haduir declared war for "prosecution of noble Humans" before we (Gremak) had met them (Haduir). Next turn the same will do Orthin, also unmet. Contact with Haduir displayed standard first contact dialog, including option to declare (already raging) war. Suggest to either prevent DoWs to unmet players, or autocontact on DoW (as in Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri).
I think the right fix here is probably to say that AIs that can't contact you shouldn't be able to declare war on you. I've found 2 diplomatic events that could cause that to happen, and fixed both of them in r38778. If you see any other glitches of this sort, please report them. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by rhinoinsomniac »

I encountered a bug that's recurring at the start of the game when i hit end turn for the first time. I sent bug reports every time.

Code: Select all

Lua state\AI\handle_production.lua:180: attempt to index field 'planet_notes' (a nil value)
Lua state\AI\handle_production.lua:180:note_planet_ai:
 Lua state\AI\planet_dispatch\resource_deficit_dispatch.lua:216:food_deficit_dispatch:
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

rhinoinsomniac wrote:I encountered a bug that's recurring at the start of the game when i hit end turn for the first time. I sent bug reports every time.
This bug is happening inside the "EconomyAI" mod. In theory, turning off the mod should fix the bug. More than that, if the mod you're using is Harpy Eagle's EconomyAI mod -- that code has already been merged into the base game, so you should get the benefit of the mod without needing to install it (and this is true of most of Harpy Eagle's mod work).
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by rhinoinsomniac »

sven wrote:
rhinoinsomniac wrote:I encountered a bug that's recurring at the start of the game when i hit end turn for the first time. I sent bug reports every time.
This bug is happening inside the "EconomyAI" mod. In theory, turning off the mod should fix the bug. More than that, if the mod you're using is Harpy Eagle's EconomyAI mod -- that code has already been merged into the base game, so you should get the benefit of the mod without needing to install it (and this is true of most of Harpy Eagle's mod work).
it's been a while since i played. for some reason i thought those mods were part of the base game (some games have mods as part of their base game). so you're saying if i delete those mods then the issue will disappear? in that case, sorry for the report and thanks for the reply. It's a testament to how good i think this game is that i keep coming back to it.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

rhinoinsomniac wrote: for some reason i thought those mods were part of the base game (some games have mods as part of their base game). so you're saying if i delete those mods then the issue will disappear?
yup. removing your old mods should fix the bugs.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by 10JML01 »

I found a minor graphical bug in the current stable version (r38774): When I finished researching Bionomics I had a 3/4 planet that turned into a 3/5 planet. After the research completion the planet has now less lights and structures visible.
I guess because the game now thinks it is relatively less populated than before, which it isn't. It's just possible to make denser population possible.
If needed I can attach a save, but I guess this one is pretty straightforward, and probably nobody even cares.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

10JML01 wrote:I found a minor graphical bug in the current stable version (r38774): When I finished researching Bionomics I had a 3/4 planet that turned into a 3/5 planet. After the research completion the planet has now less lights and structures visible.
I guess because the game now thinks it is relatively less populated than before, which it isn't. It's just possible to make denser population possible.
If needed I can attach a save, but I guess this one is pretty straightforward, and probably nobody even cares.
Hah! Yes, you're right, the code that determines city light intensity doesn't account properly for Bionomics. Um... that's not a super hard thing to change, actually. I'm doing a lot of messing around with the planet drawing code while I'm messing with terraforming drafts, maybe I'll fix that as well while I'm there. Thanks for the report :)
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by PrivateHudson »

When choosing colony to settle immigrants, ETA was twice the actual. Probably, the estimate uses sender's strategic speed, while the actual hauling does your trade fleet.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Serenitis »

Orthin Tech transfer.

When you play as any non-Orthin empire, and via alliance, annex the Orthin into your empire an oddity occurs.
The tech 'Zero Point Energy' does not grant access to the 'Power Converter' ship equipment.
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