Arioch wrote:If you've got less than 2 units of any population that's not either Primitive or Sessile, you probably shouldn't be building a colony ship on that planet anyway.
Why (besides the loading colonists problem)? Some "primitives" are quite capable workers. Also the Colony Ship build project requires orbital infrastructure, which requires a lot of metals and isn't built everywhere.
Arioch wrote:It doesn't take any more time to transport eligible colonists to that planet than it does to send an empty colony ship to a planet with eligible colonists.
First, transporting colonists require a few turns delay or a time machine. Second, if the planet is near full (some "primitives" use the same ecology "zone" as the main race) you'll have to deal with the overpopulation penalty for the duration of the project.
BTW, I didn't ask for any particular solution, just remembered the (minor) issue I've had in a real game.