Discontent population won't normally fight as Militia, which is probably why they're not showing up as Militia in the dialog. But any enslavable population will defend themselves if attacked by slavers. It's a display issue, and I'm not sure there's a straightforward solution.
Since the planet is in revolt, you can simply invade and capture the planet, and take all the slaves you want. So I'm not sure this is really a problem.
zolobolo wrote:Hope the slaves get a boost in the next update - would really enjoy the mechanic and like to play around with it but they are currently pulling down the economy hard (no food, no money). This would be ok, if they would pump out some more industry in exchange
What do you say to nullifying their growth rate (or at least slowing it down strongly) as well?
If you're playing as a slaver and you find yourself wanting slaves not to reproduce, then we're doing something wrong. The solution is to make slaves more useful, not to stop their reproduction.
Slaves do produce food, by the way.