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Queue Research Button

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:57 pm
by sven
The latest stable build (r12316) adds a "Queue Research" button in the research screen. This button becomes available if you you the info link system to navigate to a technology that is not currently researchable.

I'm hoping the presence of this button will make exploring the tech tree a bit easier. Let me know what you think of it.

Re: Queue Research Button

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:50 pm
by Arioch
I suppose the button change to "Queue Research" when a queue-able item is selected makes some sense (though I don't see any need for it to be a different color), but I don't understand the change from a grayed out "Set Research" button when the selected item is already researched or currently being researched, to a non-grayed out "Research Set" button that does nothing when clicked. It's confusing and unnecessary.

The new text formatting breaks on the longer items, especially when in windowed mode.

I notice at least one problem with the queuing logic: if I choose Atmosphere Generation as a target, it queues Advanced Control Systems first, which does not appear to be a prerequisite for any of the other techs in the queue.

Re: Queue Research Button

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:31 pm
by sven
Arioch wrote:I suppose the button change to "Queue Research" when a queue-able item is selected makes some sense (though I don't see any need for it to be a different color), but I don't understand the change from a grayed out "Set Research" button when the selected item is already researched or currently being researched, to a non-grayed out "Research Set" button that does nothing when clicked. It's confusing and unnecessary.
Yeah. Good point.
Arioch wrote: The new text formatting breaks on the longer items, especially when in windowed mode.
Yeah -- long tech names and/or windowed-mode both cause trouble. I think we want to display the turns until completion, along, perhaps, with the raw cost (and any applicable discount) of the tech currently being researched -- and putting that info somewhere near the "current research" button probably makes sense -- but, the current draft layout is certainly imperfect.
Arioch wrote:I notice at least one problem with the queuing logic: if I choose Atmosphere Generation as a target, it queues Advanced Control Systems first, which does not appear to be a prerequisite for any of the other techs in the queue.
Well, Fusion requires either Advanced Control Systems or Advanced Field theory. So, I think going through Advanced Control Systems is currently one valid path. There should be a second path that goes through physics, rather than construction, but, repeated clicks don't seem to be finding it. Maybe there's a dependency I'm not noticing here, or, maybe, there's a bug in the graph traversal algorithm...

Re: Queue Research Button

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:47 pm
by Arioch
sven wrote:
Arioch wrote:I notice at least one problem with the queuing logic: if I choose Atmosphere Generation as a target, it queues Advanced Control Systems first, which does not appear to be a prerequisite for any of the other techs in the queue.
Well, Fusion requires either Advanced Control Systems or Advanced Field theory. So, I think going through Advanced Control Systems is currently one valid path. There should be a second path that goes through physics, rather than construction, but, repeated clicks don't seem to be finding it. Maybe there's a dependency I'm not noticing here, or, maybe, there's a bug in the graph traversal algorithm...
I have already researched Fusion; the only prerequisite I should need for Atmosphere Generation is Habitat Domes. If I select Atmosphere Generation, it queues Advanced Control Systems, Habitat Domes, and Atmosphere Generation.

I'm getting a peculiar looping error when I click on the Heavy Coilgun tech, and a C stack overflow when I click on Ion Cannon or any of the other techs unlocked by Lasers.

Re: Queue Research Button

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:15 pm
by sven
Arioch wrote: I have already researched Fusion; the only prerequisite I should need for Atmosphere Generation is Habitat Domes. If I select Atmosphere Generation, it queues Advanced Control Systems, Habitat Domes, and Atmosphere Generation.

I'm getting a peculiar looping error when I click on the Heavy Coilgun tech, and a C stack overflow when I click on Ion Cannon or any of the other techs unlocked by Lasers.
Hrm. Clearly, I should have tested this better before marking these changes as 'stable'. I believe everything is fixed as of r12333...