1) Ground units below Ships, above Improvements,
2) In same Project Type, sorted by [Buy] value, Cheapest at top, Expensive below.
For detailed ranting, read on. Cheers!

I've been trying to change the Left Panel to show the planets in their appropriate sort order, like 'building' of ground units IMO should appear at the top (currently ground units are below improvements) next to the ship building.
\Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@PlanetListPanel.lua
Code: Select all
local project_order = {
'building_ground_unit', --moved here
Hope this can help you as it did for me. Cheers!
\Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@PlanetListPanel.lua
Code: Select all
local function project_buycost(planet)
local project_type,project_info = planet: project_info()
if not project_type
return 0
local hammer_cost = planet.current_production_cost
if not hammer_cost
return 0
local remaining = hammer_cost-planet.hammers-planet.overflow_hammers
return remaining * planet.empire.coins_to_labor_rate
local function project_group(planet)
return string.sub(planet.project_name,1,10) --returns 1st 10 chars of project_name
function sort_funs.Activity (p1,p2)
return lexical_compare(
p2.project_type, p1.project_type, --changed
project_group(p1), project_group(p2), --replaced planet.project_name
project_buycost(p1),project_buycost(p2), --replaced eq_project_rank()
p1.name , p2.name,
p2.outpost and 0 or total_pop(p2), p1.outpost and 0 or total_pop(p1),
p1._ikey, p2._ikey)