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Tinkers + Mirv

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:43 pm
by Supermint
Have the Tinkers been given the MIRV capability on their torpedoes as an upgrade. Because I attacked one of their colonies with what WAS a substantial force and crapped myself when their planetary defence base launched 96 YES!!! NINETY SIX!!! missiles from what was a handful of torpedoes. I managed to scrape the victory with a few battered cruisers remaining.
This hurt hard but I definately approve as it makes attacking planets more of a challanged rather than a formality.

Re: Tinkers + Mirv

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:18 pm
by Supermint
I've worked out what they are. Vindicators. Nice touch guys, Feel sorry for the poor guys strapped into them.

Re: Tinkers + Mirv

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:25 pm
by Arioch
Supermint wrote:I've worked out what they are. Vindicators. Nice touch guys, Feel sorry for the poor guys strapped into them.
Dzibix wills it!!!