build r (19192) on test
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:08 am
one larger one planned on the way atm
Code: Select all
Lua state\Setup\new_galaxy.lua:406: attempt to call field 'influence_cost_mult' (a number value)
Lua state\Setup\new_galaxy.lua:406:
Lua state\Encounters\agreement_dialog_options.lua:188:add_treaty_offer_options:
Lua state\Encounters\indepedent_faction_dialog.lua:14:
Lua state\Encounters\faction_discussion.lua:247:setup_discussion_content:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@DiscussionOverlay.lua:292
Should be fixed in r19197. (Now posted to 'stable'.) Thanks for the report.zakblood wrote:first bug on trying to talk and make friends with a colony that just wanted to be left alone they said