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Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:45 pm
by luciderous
NOTICE: This thread has been created specifically for all the testers to report any bugs or other issues they encounter during the beta-testing stage. You will make the lives of the developers a lot easier if you post your tech issues in this particular thread and not somewhere else on the forum, and if you provide concise yet thorough description of the bug in question. Be advised that as they work through your bug report, the following additional info may make the developer's lives easier:
- short description of how to reproduce the bug (if applicable)
- a save file of the game where the bug occurred <OR> the game # generated by a successful game log upload.
edited by sven: If the reported bug is a known issue or a simple fix -- I may add an 'edited by sven' comment at the bottom of the report, rather than replying in a separate post. I'm hoping this will make the issues listed in the thread easier to keep track of.
reporting CTDs: If the game encounters a crash to desktop (CTD), there's a chance that you'll be given a chance to create a diagnostic crash dump file. Be aware that these dump files are very large (200mb+), though they'll compress down to 50mb-ish in a zip. In the event that you encounter a CTD, I'd very much appreciate a copy of one of these copy crash.dmp files (sent using whatever large-file transfer service works best for you).
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:00 pm
by Awaras
One more strange thing I noticed:
During combat, when you click on the 'Retreat' button, it will change to 'Confirm' and start to blink. If you then switch to another ship, the 'Confirm' button will still remain. If you then click on it, the second ship will retreat.
edited by sven: this is a known issue. the 'RETREAT' and 'SELF DESTRUCT' actions should really have a popup "confirm: yes/no" dialog when you click on them, but, for now, you need to "confirm" by clicking a second time. the behaviors can get gets a little odd when the selected ship set changes, but it should all be replaced with a better ui before too long.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:05 pm
by sven
Looking over the saves uploaded last weekend, I noticed a game where something (either a ship or a factory) appears to have been scrapped for 5000000 coins. Scrap values should never be this high -- and I've yet to figure out how to replicate the bug. If anyone notices bizarrely high scrap values showing up in their playthroughs, please post about it here.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:00 pm
by halftea
Slight graphics issue on Orthin Research Screen. Looks like the display box under the picture needs expanded to hold the full name of "Dances with Bosuns".
- Orthin Tech Screen.JPG (67.72 KiB) Viewed 179764 times
If I remember correctly, the currently researching overlap has already been mentioned by others.
edited by sven: This is a known issue. In general, the current research screens are functional, but ugly. They're due for a UI update pass.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:48 pm
by Awaras
Occasionally, when exploring, you will get a pop-up window that says that you discovered the remains of an ancient civilization on a planet. I guess this means that there are facilities on the planet that can be activated and used? However, unless you remember the name of the planet, I can't figure any other way to check where those remains were later, once you close that notification. There is no icon to mark it, nothing in the planet description. Unless I am missing something, I really think there should be something to obviously mark that planet for later...
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:43 pm
by Arioch
The UI doesn't currently have any way of marking planetary "specials," but that is something we will certainly add.
Cosmetic Text Issue in Windowed Mode
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:16 pm
by JohnnyW00t
- Untitled.png (1.2 MiB) Viewed 179806 times
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:05 pm
by Arioch
That's a known issue at certain screen sizes. The research screen is due to be redesigned.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:01 am
by evil713
Planetary defenses are not stacking they appere to be replacing themselves, losing the first defense emplacement. Is this supposed to be happening? I ask if this is tiered because defense 2 has one more slot than defense 1.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:32 pm
by evil713
mharmless wrote:Space stations can have maneuvering engines and move around in tactical combat.
Might not be a bug, just wanted to make sure the current behavior was in mind when you get to the tactical revamps.
edited by sven: it's intentional. stations should never move *quickly*, but, if you want to sacrifice system space to give them a bit of tactical mobility, you can. (the fleet base graphic actually includes animated thrusters, which you should see if you fly it around during combat.)
I just want to say you cannot rotate a station, which would be really useful especially when you have shields. you can hit rotate and the rotate ghost happens but actual rotation does not.
did see those thruster flares, that was awesome.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:00 pm
by evil713
Did human assault cruisers get nerfed? They only carry one tank now.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:40 pm
by halftea
I think it was all of the dedicated Military transports. At least the Ashdar Imperials also are down to one tank.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:15 pm
by Arioch
The ground combat system will be changing very soon.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:28 pm
by halftea
Woo Hoo! More stuff to test!
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:38 am
by Unbroken
When one captures an enemy colony ship, it stops behaving like a colony ship you build yourself except in the system in which you captured it - the game will not flag or prompt you to colonize/disembark; you have to do so manually through the ship's info screen. It also does not use the correct max. population overlay when you look at a system.
In my case as the Teros, I used the Intercept feature to capture a Phidi colony ship, where they were trying to colonize an Arid world. The world in question showed a max. pop of 4, however the 'real' value (for the Phidi ship) is actually 2.
EDIT: After I disembarked the Phidi (and accidently embarked some Teros), I thought I had another bug. Turns out the game's doing what it is supposed to - when a planet magically gains max. population, it also gains slots. I was quite surprised by this at first, and thought it was a bug. Seems like it is working as intended, I think.