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Swamp homeworld data issue

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:15 pm
by Chasm
Gremak homeworld is not giving all the data breakdowns it should for its planet type. Sometimes you can access them, and other times you can't. Example, choose a gremak colonist and referance environment type from there.

Re: Swamp homeworld data issue

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:43 am
by sven
Chasm wrote:Gremak homeworld is not giving all the data breakdowns it should for its planet type. Sometimes you can access them, and other times you can't. Example, choose a gremak colonist and referance environment type from there.

There are many missing text descriptions in the current build, though, happily most of the remaining "<text goes here>" marks are related to late game techs or other mechanics that aren't fully implemented yet.

I take it as an encouraging sign that you considered this a bug worth reporting :)

That the swamp text was missing was a "known issue" -- but I've patched in some quick text on dev (r14932).

Re: Swamp homeworld data issue

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:23 am
by bjg
The Swamp feels not "fully baked". It fits less species than Garden, "asking" for terraforming, which a homeworld shouldn't. May be add another climate zone there?