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Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:16 am
by evil713
Some of my builds have a little extra power, or way the hell too much because I just needed like 5 points and desided to put in another reactor rather than give up my accuracy mods.
You know the classics, power to weapons, reinforce forward shields, Getting-The-Hell-Out-Of-Here maneuver, and others. Maybe also a projector dish for a mount to do other things like transfer power to another ship, extend shields, and other various fancy effects.
Re: Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:28 pm
by Captainspire
I'm presuming, since this is Beta, the extra power, which I wondered about as well, is just to make sure we have one less thing to worry about for current game play. I haven't noticed any other power systems and the Nuclear to fusion just up like 200% or something.
I'm just thinking the abundance of power is just for our current beta testing....maybe.
Re: Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:32 pm
by Arioch
Assuming you're playing on Dev and not stable, we recently rejiggered all of the hull hardpoint configurations, which has led to some cases with the smaller hulls requiring more than one reactor. This is not intended and we're working it out.
Re: Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:48 pm
by Unbroken
One way to possibly solve this would be to have reactors give a flat amount of power + power based on the size of the hull in which they are installed.
For example, a nuclear reactor may provide 5 + (10 * hullsize). On a scout cruiser frame, hullsize could be 1, thus you get 15 power. On a battlecruiser frame, hullsize might be 5, giving you 55 instead.
All the power curves would need to be readjusted in such a setup though, but it'd help alleviate the issue of small ships being short one or two power to run a good setup.
Re: Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:16 am
by sven
Unbroken wrote:
For example, a nuclear reactor may provide 5 + (10 * hullsize). On a scout cruiser frame, hullsize could be 1, thus you get 15 power. On a battlecruiser frame, hullsize might be 5, giving you 55 instead.
Right now, this is actually more or less how things work. The Nuclear Reactor formula is (20 + 10*<hullsize>). And I think that extra 20 base power has helped solve some of the stranger power situations on DDs and CLs. But, if you notice any more issues with particular hulls seeming to have far too little or too much power for their systems, please do let us know. There's a lot of re-balancing happening atm -- and we do occasionally miss things.
Re: Can we do somthing with all this excess power?
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:32 am
by evil713
im finding the power issue is too little at the smallest level and a healthy surplus at the higher ship levels, but the issue is complicated due to weapon mods, should the reactor be set to support base unmodded techs or to cover the full power of the research tier.
edit: could we just get a base modifier to shield recharge or ship speed for excess power?