Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:56 pm
Fleshing out of Human refugee colonies:
1. New diplomatic action when meeting the minor faction/or later via diplomacy: Trade Deal in exhange of influence. This way the faction would provide a minor increase in trade pool (1-2) in exhange of valuable early -game influence. Especially usefull when no market has been researched yet and with the coin rebalance. This way conquering them is not the only way of interacting and frankly even then they are low value as human pops are the worst and the planet is not of high-value (which is ok as early game advantage)
2.Pirates Raids generating from unoccupied systems around these colonies. The last version of this mechanic was probably disabled due to its OP nature which was probably the case so that they provide valuable tech when captured. Now they could gradually be stronger but only feature Ligh, Missile and Assault Cruisers so that they cannot be farmed for Destroyers nor would they be OP being pirates boosting heavy military hardvare. If the colony is gone, the raids would stop
These two additiona would introduce a risk/reward system which would eventually clearly be tipped against keepig the colony independant (unless you want the pirates to harass your anamies nearby in which case you might even protect them )
Diplomacy would also makesense for them even if only havinng a trade deal available (as opposed to the current state where it really does not matter and the option to declare war on them or leave them be on a diplomatic sense could be left out)
Edit: Pirate Assault Cruisers can also have Marines mounted instead of tanks withouth touching upon the AI scripts as their appearance is already scripted
1. New diplomatic action when meeting the minor faction/or later via diplomacy: Trade Deal in exhange of influence. This way the faction would provide a minor increase in trade pool (1-2) in exhange of valuable early -game influence. Especially usefull when no market has been researched yet and with the coin rebalance. This way conquering them is not the only way of interacting and frankly even then they are low value as human pops are the worst and the planet is not of high-value (which is ok as early game advantage)
2.Pirates Raids generating from unoccupied systems around these colonies. The last version of this mechanic was probably disabled due to its OP nature which was probably the case so that they provide valuable tech when captured. Now they could gradually be stronger but only feature Ligh, Missile and Assault Cruisers so that they cannot be farmed for Destroyers nor would they be OP being pirates boosting heavy military hardvare. If the colony is gone, the raids would stop
These two additiona would introduce a risk/reward system which would eventually clearly be tipped against keepig the colony independant (unless you want the pirates to harass your anamies nearby in which case you might even protect them )
Diplomacy would also makesense for them even if only havinng a trade deal available (as opposed to the current state where it really does not matter and the option to declare war on them or leave them be on a diplomatic sense could be left out)
Edit: Pirate Assault Cruisers can also have Marines mounted instead of tanks withouth touching upon the AI scripts as their appearance is already scripted