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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:28 pm
by sven
evil713 wrote:bug: logs game_555: dreadstar in queue causes blackscreen, dreadstar armed with stellar surge cannons.
opps. should be fixed in r13812. thanks for the report.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:24 pm
by sven
evil713 wrote:bug: if you buy something and then change the design it will no longer be bought and you will of lost your money.

reffrence in this case was star bases bought on two worlds then upgraded shields and reactors in design.
Hrm. Yes, this is an interesting little bug. I've added a patch on 'dev' so that purchased production is "locked in", so you'll get the design as it was when you bought it, rather than some strange behavior triggered by trying to rush-produce a ship you can no longer afford.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:53 pm
by Captainspire
I've finally built a planet killer and it generates errors like a Boss.
Ignoring them allows me to continue the game.
I think I sent two files this morning.

I was surprised that it is just about the side of a planet! That was pretty cool.
And I am now able to end planets with their own stellar defenses.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:31 pm
by sven
Captainspire wrote:I've finally built a planet killer and it generates errors like a Boss.
Yes, looks like I should have done some more careful testing before releasing the Dread Star SSB mount. I just posted a new patch to 'stable' (r13819), that I hope fixes the outstanding issues.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:07 pm
by halftea
For some reason, the Fleet Bases I build remain invisible on the planetary/system display although the do show as taking up a Orbital slot. Haven't had a chance to see if they remain invisible in combat yet. Uploaded game logs, Game_650.
Hoping this is just a graphics related bug for me. Attached is my just built Fleet base at Rastaban II, the captured Space station is visible, but nothing for the Fleet Base, although if you hover over the space, it shows the label properly
invisble fleet base.JPG
invisble fleet base.JPG (21.06 KiB) Viewed 40506 times

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:09 pm
by sven
halftea wrote:For some reason, the Fleet Bases I build remain invisible on the planetary/system display although the do show as taking up a Orbital slot. Haven't had a chance to see if they remain invisible in combat yet. Uploaded game logs, Game_650.
Hoping this is just a graphics related bug for me.
Do they remain invisible after shutting down the game and reloading?

Also -- I'm seeing a bunch of errors related to the sound library in your logs -- have you noticed any strangeness related to the in-game music? Have you been running with the sound on, or off?

Thanks again for the testing.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:23 pm
by halftea
sven wrote: Do they remain invisible after shutting down the game and reloading?
Yeah, it is persistent, although I'm about to test with a total system reboot to see if that resolves it.

Still invisible after a total system reboot.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:34 pm
by sven
halftea wrote:Still invisible after a total system reboot.
Hrm. It appears that we may have just discovered a new type of asset bug. This is a huge game, and I wouldn't be shocked if there's some kind of texture memory issue at the heart of it (the fleet base at Rastaban is appearing for me -- so, it doesn't look like a game state bug.)

Does the fleet base graphic appear correctly inside the choose production pane?

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:35 pm
by halftea
Works fine in the Production and Ship Design screens.

(edit:) Also behaves normally in combat. Finally had the Haidur attack a planet with one in orbit. Works just fine! :D

On the sound error, I remember what was happening there, I had just updated and tried to load the game, failed with a check fmod error. Was consistent in failure to load even after reboots, until the next patch updated. Then everything was fine. I didn't save a .dmp file for it, but it's happened before, usually a reboot will resolve it.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:09 pm
by sven
halftea wrote:On the sound error, I remember what was happening there, I had just updated and tried to load the game, failed with a check fmod error. Was consistent in failure to load even after reboots, until the next patch updated. Then everything was fine. I didn't save a .dmp file for it, but it's happened before, usually a reboot will resolve it.
Hrm. It's possible that the disappearing fleet base is the result of failed "asset generation" pass -- specifically, if the updater crashed (probably due a memory issue) while generating the small red fleet base graphic, you *might* end up with the behaviour you're describing.

A clean reinstall of the game might fix it.

Alternative 2: You could trigger a complete asset rebuild by deleting:

Stars in Shadow\unpack_last.txt and
Stars in Shadow\version.txt and
Stars in Shadow\ArtCache

Then running update.exe. (Warning, this will take at least 30 minutes.)

Alternative 3: You could selectively rebuild the fleet base asset, by deleting unpack_last.txt, version.txt and ArtCache\Ships\HawkLargeStation, then running update.exe. (This will probably take more like 5 minutes.)

My hunch is that a selective rebuild (Alternative 3) is actually the most likely to fix the issue. But, doing a complete rebuild is more likely to generate interesting error output -- which could help me figure out how to avoid the issue reoccurring :)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:49 am
by halftea
Ok, I'll run option 2 as soon as my latest round finishes. Since I'm cooking dinner tonight, it'll update just fine while I'm busy somewhere else.
I'm all about generating interesting errors for troubleshooting. :)

edit: and reloading the entire art catalog did it. Yay for option 2!

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:56 am
by Doomed
I've come across then following situation

1. Planet A is colonising Planet B in the same star system
2. When the colonisation is finished the notification is raised for Planet A
3. There is no notification for Planet B
4. You can end your turn without the message about Planet B having any production.
5. At the beginning of the next turn Planet B will be building a factory

Ideally I think that when a planet is colonised by another planet (i.e. not by a colony ship) it ought to generate a notification for the new colony.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:02 pm
by sven
Doomed wrote:I've come across then following situation

1. Planet A is colonising Planet B in the same star system
2. When the colonisation is finished the notification is raised for Planet A
3. There is no notification for Planet B
4. You can end your turn without the message about Planet B having any production.
5. At the beginning of the next turn Planet B will be building a factory

Ideally I think that when a planet is colonised by another planet (i.e. not by a colony ship) it ought to generate a notification for the new colony.
Hrm, this is a known issue, though I believe the bug was fixed last week -- (as part of patch r14375). If you can replicate the behavior in your current build, would you open up the options pane, and hit "upload game logs"? Thanks for the report :)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:16 pm
by Doomed
I've uploaded 2 sets of logs, one from the turn where the colony is created and one from the following turn (Game_662 and game_663 respectively)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:53 pm
by sven
Doomed wrote:I've uploaded 2 sets of logs, one from the turn where the colony is created and one from the following turn (Game_662 and game_663 respectively)
Oh, opps. Looks like I wasn't paying enough attention when I first fixed that bug. I was creating a "new colony" notification for the planet that *built* the new colony, not the planet that actually *contained* the new colony. Should be fixed in the current stable build ("r14400").

Thanks for the uploads.