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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:24 pm
by sven
Code: Select all
error : uninitialized reference: all_fleets[1]:
Lua state\Orders\fleet.lua:181:fleet_travel_dist:
Lua state\Orders\fleet.lua:226:fleet_travel_time:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@FleetShips.lua:411:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ColonyReports.lua:130:
Lua state\@@util\restore_color.lua:9:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@PlanetRow.lua:602:draw_planets:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@SplitScreenPanes.lua:272:
Lua state\@@util\restore_color.lua:9:
Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\GalaxyMap.lua:307:
Lua state\GUI\new_screen_layout.lua:76:scaled_draw_function
I've seen a couple error traces like this uploaded recently. They suggest a glitch triggered by the new Fleet Report pane -- but, I haven't been able to replicate them from the uploaded saves. If anyone can figure out a replication pattern for the glitch, I'd be most grateful.
edited: I think I've got this one figured out. Should be fixed as of r13633. Thanks for all the uploads.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:54 pm
by Captainspire
When having Colony ship leave System A, I tried to get ships from System B to System A
The graphic of the Colony ship hovers almost over System A and it would not let me select the ships from System B to go to System A
Ships from System B could go anywhere else.
I could still click on System A (without System B ships selected) and go to the planets
It was not until the next turn when the Colony ship was away from the System A could I then move ships from System B to System A
I guess a simple fix would be to have ship graphic in "orbit" around a System be on the left and ship graphic leaving the System be on the right. Maybe have traveling ships always point to the center of the system as to not overlap the sides. Yea, this works when they come from up or down but have similar issues when traveling from the sides but its a thought.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:21 pm
by Arioch
If icons overlap on the map, clicking multiple times in the same location should cycle through the available click targets.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:07 pm
by Captainspire
Armor on Planetary Defenses
I don't think my armor Is supposed to be better than their armor?
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:04 pm
by sven
Well, their total "bunkers" number is higher than yours -- so they can take more damage. But, your planet is larger, which does mean that assuming equal techs, you'd have a modestly tougher planet than they would. (That's what the 55/55 vs. 45/45 is indicating).
Also, you should be aware that I just marked the latest round of balance changes as "stable". So, as soon as you restart the game, you'll be auto-upgraded, and old saves will stop loading.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:11 pm
by Captainspire
Got it. Thank you again.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:10 am
by evil713
ok sent this one in 507 maybe 508, I don't know how but the Orthin just concurred my entire empire in one turn with 2 troopships. All I have are my fleets and one outpost station.

- dafuk1.jpg (504.61 KiB) Viewed 43187 times

- dafuk2.jpg (495.86 KiB) Viewed 43187 times
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:04 am
by Arioch
Those sneaky Orthin!
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:11 pm
by sven
evil713 wrote:ok sent this one in 507 maybe 508, I don't know how but the Orthin just concurred my entire empire in one turn with 2 troopships. All I have are my fleets and one outpost station.
Wow, opps. That's a bug in the splinter colony handling. You'd conquered an independent Teros colony earlier at Kazatel, but, the splinter colony encounter wasn't cleaned up properly, so, when the Orthin arrived, the Teros offered to join them. And, because their empire was actually your empire, when they joined the Orthin -- so did you
This one should be patched on 'stable' (r13663).
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:16 pm
by Unbroken
I had a little oopsie when I was browsing the new techs. I was curious about Energy Torpedoes, clicked on it and the game promptly imploded, #511. No other new tech seems to do this, guessing that something's missing that the game was expecting to display in the research screen.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:32 pm
by Arioch
Unbroken wrote:I had a little oopsie when I was browsing the new techs. I was curious about Energy Torpedoes, clicked on it and the game promptly imploded, #511. No other new tech seems to do this, guessing that something's missing that the game was expecting to display in the research screen.
Yep, I see the same problem. It's coughing on the optional prerequisite Viper Dynamics, which is a Gremak-only tech. The error doesn't happen when playing as Gremak.
And Sven, Energy Torpedoes and Marauder Weaponry and Viper Dynamics should be either missile or plasma techs, not beam techs.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:15 am
by evil713
Right clicking on a weapon in combat makes the number go up beyond how many you have. Does not seem to fire more than you have so just a ui issue.
Is there a way to lock a weapon so it's not fired or part of the shooting order?
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:32 am
by Arioch
evil713 wrote:Is there a way to lock a weapon so it's not fired or part of the shooting order?
Not that I'm aware of.
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:57 pm
by sven
Arioch wrote:Unbroken wrote:I had a little oopsie when I was browsing the new techs. I was curious about Energy Torpedoes, clicked on it and the game promptly imploded, #511. No other new tech seems to do this, guessing that something's missing that the game was expecting to display in the research screen.
Yep, I see the same problem. It's coughing on the optional prerequisite Viper Dynamics, which is a Gremak-only tech. The error doesn't happen when playing as Gremak.
And Sven, Energy Torpedoes and Marauder Weaponry and Viper Dynamics should be either missile or plasma techs, not beam techs.
Should be fixed on "stable" (r13671). (Hellbores are now a "plasma" tech as well.)
Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:04 am
by evil713
You can fire nuke torpedo's at fighters. don't know about other types yet. EDIT: Also empty torpedo launchers mess with the order of weapons fire, instead of going down the list they go to the first in range weapon.
also Gremak pop transports look like troopships but read as transports.