Arioch wrote:We are adding more specialty ground units as niches present themselves: Human Assault Marines (who have bonuses in ship to ship combat), and Pirate Raiders (who raid like Marauders but steal cash instead of slaves). I'd like to add more faction-specific options, like aquatic versions of tanks, and Phidi sales commandos (to give the Phidi an "active" trading option), but those will probably have to wait until post-release. There isn't really a current niche for a regular Infantry unit (Militia are strength 1, Tanks are strength 2, and not very expensive).
Pirates will have a more active raiding role on the map (like Marauders, before they inexplicably stopped raiding). The idea of having a commerce raiding mechanic involving the Trade Pool has been brought up several times (one could allocate both raiders to attack the enemy's pool and escorts to protect one's own pool), but I'm not that keen on it. I think a pool is a useful abstraction for boring commercial activity, but I don't think it's a good abstraction for potentially interesting action like commerce raiding; action that happens off-map doesn't make for very compelling gameplay. Case in point: almost every bad espionage system that has each side filling pools with generic spies which do battle off-screen, and all the player gets is a summary of the bad things that are happening to him despite his investment in spies. Yahoo.
Special ground units, pirate raiders and faction-specific options all sound brilliant.
Marauders (slavers) is already an innovative idea (or at least I neve say such a concept in 4X games before), hope to see them in action soon
Also agree on spying, I would just scip it at least for the release for such a game. Keeping focus on the tactical combat and things that relate to it directly seems like the appropriate way to go for this game
What I am suggesting is more interaction between existing elements and no introduction of new elements such as raider stance of fleet, escorts and the likes meaning:
1. Prirate fleet moves into undefended empire territory (either AI or Player depending on trade pool size and proximity)
2. When pirate fleet starts the round on empire territory, that pirate faction gains assets (Money, ships, tech) and randomly destroyes a couple of Transport ships of the empire who owns the territory. All planets that are located in that System, also receive a blockaded Status and cannot draw Food from the trade lanes anymore + receive approval Penalty due to rading
3. Player gets a Status notification: "Pirate Raiding" with Detailed text in the bottom: System XY is being raided by pirates: Lost: 2 Transports from trade pool; System XZ is being raided by pirates: Lost: 1 Transport from Trade Pool
4. Player or AI orders fleet to get rid of pirates or risk loosing more income, and the directly affected colonies as they are rebelling and/or starving
5. Pirates engage the player or AI force and try to board as many ships as possible, pulling out when they do not have a chance to win anymore, or have captured enough vessels
6. The only way to get rid of them would be to eventually assault their base of operation, which is not a planet, but an actual starbase protected by stolen ships
This would lead to a very natural bahaviour of the pirate factions: They could start with low tech, but boarding capabale vessels, build up their assets by raiding others (the fatter the empire, the better as they have more trade routes and less local ships to defend), and they would try to occupy vessels sent after them to even furhter pump up their fleet.
Imagine if they occupy your largest capital ship of the player as it foolishly did not receive enough corvett support and they just bail out of combat after that, with their new ship (thinking at I-War here
The above might be acomplished with existing assets and mechanics and would result in authentica pirate behaviour and more battles. Everything would happen on the map and would be transparent for the Player
It would also make for a Logical diversification of threats:
1. Raiders attack planets and take Pop
2. Pirates attack trading ships and mostly use Boarding tactics when engaged
3. Space mosters, eat, pray, love and defend high value planets as space mosters usually do...