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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:52 am
by NullVoid
Now that the Space Station is an Outpost variant, it's impossible to design a variant Space Station. Making a new design based on Outpost won't allow me to place anything but a Fuel Depot on the Station hardpoint, nor does it allow me to rename the design, so I end up with two Outposts on the design screen. It seems the original one gets deployed.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:29 am
by Arioch
NullVoid wrote:Now that the Space Station is an Outpost variant, it's impossible to design a variant Space Station. Making a new design based on Outpost won't allow me to place anything but a Fuel Depot on the Station hardpoint, nor does it allow me to rename the design, so I end up with two Outposts on the design screen. It seems the original one gets deployed.
You can edit the Space Station design (or make a new variant); it just won't be deployable via the Outpost Transport. Presumably the Outpost Transport is hard-coded to deploy an Outpost, so creating a second Outpost design won't do much good. The inability to place anything but a Fuel Depot in the Station slot may be a bug, but it also may be intentional since that's the only valid thing to equip an Outpost with (in which case, the Outpost design should probably not be editable at all). An Outpost should require a Fuel Depot to be able to be deployed at a planet without a colony and extend ship range; a Space Station with no Fuel Depot should require a colony to be present.

I can see why you might want to load a Space Station or variant on to an Outpost Transport variant, to deploy ready-made Stations to new colonies, but that would mean having to be able to specify in the Transport design which deployable design to carry, which the current UI doesn't support. That might be worth fixing, but it seems like a niche ability.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:50 am
by SirDamnALot
Being able to tow an orbital installation from colony to colony sounds like a good idea.
Your big productive worlds could produce defense installations for the small (but still important) or new founded colonies.

It would also be an alternative for money-buy these expensive installations for "poor" worlds. Which would currently be the only way to fast track an star base/fleet base, besides waiting aloooot of turns ;)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:37 am
by SirDamnALot
Finally had some time to play again :D

Probably not bugs, but features.
R15389 Dev:
I started a human game and immediately expanded with everything I had. So some colonies where established without scout scanning.
Later, a scout returned to a established colony and behold: a derelict ship was found.
That means only ships with the scanner module can find the hidden goodies?

As human, encountering space pirates that have a troop transport. The transport escapes to a neighbouring system. My fleet moves on, but a destroyer follows the transport. Not bothering with tactical combat, I let autocombat munch the transport.
But: The transport is now mine! The Destroyer did not have the boarding collar. Did the human transport crew surrender?
That would be nice actually :mrgreen:

I found I could get rid of undesired lowtech races by shipping them to another colony. That already had max population.
And won't give extra living space for the new race.
So they basically had a "transporter accidend" :mrgreen:

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:30 pm
by NullVoid
Arioch wrote:
NullVoid wrote:Now that the Space Station is an Outpost variant, it's impossible to design a variant Space Station. Making a new design based on Outpost won't allow me to place anything but a Fuel Depot on the Station hardpoint, nor does it allow me to rename the design, so I end up with two Outposts on the design screen. It seems the original one gets deployed.
You can edit the Space Station design (or make a new variant); it just won't be deployable via the Outpost Transport. Presumably the Outpost Transport is hard-coded to deploy an Outpost, so creating a second Outpost design won't do much good. The inability to place anything but a Fuel Depot in the Station slot may be a bug, but it also may be intentional since that's the only valid thing to equip an Outpost with (in which case, the Outpost design should probably not be editable at all). An Outpost should require a Fuel Depot to be able to be deployed at a planet without a colony and extend ship range; a Space Station with no Fuel Depot should require a colony to be present.

I can see why you might want to load a Space Station or variant on to an Outpost Transport variant, to deploy ready-made Stations to new colonies, but that would mean having to be able to specify in the Transport design which deployable design to carry, which the current UI doesn't support. That might be worth fixing, but it seems like a niche ability.
I actually want to make a second type of space station, but there's no space station within new design, only outpost.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:05 pm
by SirDamnALot
R15389 Dev:
An iceball planet where my Humans can't farm. The tooltip still says that a farm would produce 1 unit of food.
Unbenannt.png (129.06 KiB) Viewed 18512 times
Also, whats up with the purple planet ? :mrgreen:
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:25 pm
by Arioch
SirDamnALot wrote:So some colonies where established without scout scanning.
Later, a scout returned to a established colony and behold: a derelict ship was found.
That means only ships with the scanner module can find the hidden goodies?
Some system specials do currently require a scanner to uncover.
SirDamnALot wrote:As human, encountering space pirates that have a troop transport. The transport escapes to a neighbouring system. My fleet moves on, but a destroyer follows the transport. Not bothering with tactical combat, I let autocombat munch the transport.
But: The transport is now mine! The Destroyer did not have the boarding collar. Did the human transport crew surrender?
That would be nice actually :mrgreen:
You can board a ship without a Boarding Module if the target ship can't move, so a ship becomes boardable if you disable the engines. I'm not sure if that's what happened, but it's possible.
SirDamnALot wrote:I found I could get rid of undesired lowtech races by shipping them to another colony. That already had max population.
And won't give extra living space for the new race.
Once the population morale system is implemented, you won't be allowed to transport discontent colonists (they won't get on the ships), so the races you probably want to get rid of (Gaiads and Scavengers) won't be able to be disposed of in this manner. The Threshers are actually pretty valuable; even if you're an aquatic race, they produce extra food. (Not sure whether that's implemented or displayed in the current build).
NullVoid wrote:I actually want to make a second type of space station, but there's no space station within new design, only outpost.
I see. That is evidently an oversight.
SirDamnALot wrote:Also, whats up with the purple planet ?
That's a "coral world," which is a planet that has been terraformed into an ocean world after being "infected" by the Gardeners' supercoral, to the point where there's no dry land at all. (The Gardeners are an aquatic faction that won't make it into the initial release, but should eventually be a playable faction in an expansion or DLC.)

The current graphic is a recolor of the island world done by Sven. I hope to have time to do a version that's a little more subtly colored. :D

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:20 pm
by sven
Arioch wrote:The Threshers are actually pretty valuable; even if you're an aquatic race, they produce extra food. (Not sure whether that's implemented or displayed in the current build).
Colonist food production is not yet implemented; so the threshers remain less-useful than intended. I've just made some significant balance adjustments to all the metal costs, and I wanted to get a sense of how that was playing before adjusting the food numbers as well.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:27 pm
by SirDamnALot
Arioch wrote: You can board a ship without a Boarding Module if the target ship can't move, so a ship becomes boardable if you disable the engines. I'm not sure if that's what happened, but it's possible.
It was the auto combat without tactical view, so everything was calculated. The disabling and boarding is the most probably explanation.
But I would like the idea that Human Pirates would surrender to Human Players :mrgreen:
Arioch wrote: Once the population morale system is implemented, you won't be allowed to transport discontent colonists (they won't get on the ships), so the races you probably want to get rid of (Gaiads and Scavengers) won't be able to be disposed of in this manner. The Threshers are actually pretty valuable; even if you're an aquatic race, they produce extra food. (Not sure whether that's implemented or displayed in the current build).
The Threshers are great, I've found a colony with them and immeaditly "seeded" all my garden planets with them.
Nice boost in production and taxes, my Gaia has whooping 44 people :D
Threshers don't seem to produce food yet. (Food calculation only shows planet base + farm production)
Arioch wrote: version
I see what you did there :mrgreen:
Just missing a Giedi Prime ;)

sven wrote: Colonist food production is not yet implemented; so the threshers remain less-useful than intended. I've just made some significant balance adjustments to all the metal costs, and I wanted to get a sense of how that was playing before adjusting the food numbers as well.
The metal costs are serious business now
Downside: Star bases/Fleet bases as defense structures are prohibitive expensive.
Only very few select worlds get shipyards. Everything else has to be contend with planetary batteries.
Are we gonna be able to upgrade the planetary batteries? E.g. get more weapon slots with better tech?

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:22 pm
by Arioch
SirDamnALot wrote:Are we gonna be able to upgrade the planetary batteries? E.g. get more weapon slots with better tech?
Yes, we had several upgraded Planet Defense designs, but I think they may have disappeared from the tech tree in a recent update.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:26 pm
by SirDamnALot
The resources display for metal starts to collide with research, when having a big stockpile of metal:
Unbenannt.png (9.57 KiB) Viewed 18479 times
Money folds into a smaller notation, so the others should do too, if you hit five digits :D
(Yes, metal is still scarce, I own ~90% of the galaxy and have invested alot of slots into mining. I am now switching over to cashflow to see if I ever can catch up with the Gremak marauder demand for their services.)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:04 pm
by SirDamnALot
R15408 Dev, game_1021
savegame from R15398
selecting a new production for colony gremal crashes the game.

Code: Select all

Lua state\Orders\ship_refit.lua:7: missing required value: config
Lua state\Orders\ship_refit.lua:7:cant_refit:
 Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:343:refit_option:
  Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:430:calc_production_candidates:
   Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:1025:draw_choose:
    Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@PlanetPane.lua:911:draw_controled_planet
Maybe related to the difference in savegame version and current game version.

Also, could the advisor be more insisting when no research is being done? I sometime dismiss the advisor when alot of stuff is done and work through the end-turn summary warning. But science is not mentioned there. At least "science" is not lost but stockpiled =)

With current version, food shortage is a TODO message?
Unbenannt.png (185.17 KiB) Viewed 18467 times

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:23 pm
by sven
SirDamnALot wrote: selecting a new production for colony gremal crashes the game.

Code: Select all

Lua state\Orders\ship_refit.lua:7: missing required value: config
Lua state\Orders\ship_refit.lua:7:cant_refit:
 Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:343:refit_option:
  Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:430:calc_production_candidates:
   Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@ChooseProduction.lua:1025:draw_choose:
    Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\@PlanetPane.lua:911:draw_controled_planet
Maybe related to the difference in savegame version and current game version.
This is a bug on 'stable' right now, and it does have to do with migrating older save games. It should fixed soon, but, until then, starting a new game should avoid the issue entirely.

edited by sven: Should be fixed as of the latest stable build (r15411).
With current version, food shortage is a TODO message?
Yes, I pushed some unfinished things to 'dev' ;)

edited by sven: The warnings should be more or less working properly as of r15430, though the behaviors around food shortages due to blockades aren't properly setup/tested yet.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:18 pm
by SirDamnALot
R15417 Dev,

My island worlds sometimes show "stitches" when I open a menu where the planet is shown.
Added: Nope, the island world shows it all the time, a planet rotation just takes longer than expected ;)
Also there is a horizontal line at the south pole.
Unbenannt.png (730.96 KiB) Viewed 18446 times
...maybe theres treasure where the X is ? :mrgreen:

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:36 pm
by NullVoid
Not properly a bug, but the automatic ship design logic could use a tweak. I'm playing as a Phidi, and having developed Containment Fields (which makes the Trade Ship available) after Military Doctrine (which makes the Armor Brigade component available), the default Trade Ship design will come pre-loaded with two Armored Brigades, which may be interesting if I'm planning to use them as troop transports, but is hardly the default application. Also, the auto design logic tends to use the most advanced generator available, even if a smaller (and thus cheaper, both in wrenches and metal) generator would cut the mustard. I don't know how easy would it be to make the logic optimize the power generators, but making the Cargo Bay component have a higher priority than the Armored Brigade component shouldn't be too hard and would be the logical choice for all situations except for the basic Troopship itself, but it seems that that design is already being generated through some custom logic, isn't it?

Finally, I am disappointed that the Science Stations don't work when the ship's been assigned to the Trade Pool, but I guess I can live with that. :(