Re: Flasghip Concept
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:25 pm
Though I would love to see flagships, I have to admit that in any implementation they take more effort then assigning XP to fleets (assuming that fleet persistence is already given)
So contemplated a bit how that could work:
Assuming that we are still trying to motivate the game in the direction of combined fleets, and flagships are not an option:
1. Admirals receive XP as before, but are now assigned to a fleet instead of a ship (fleets have persistent designations and history but no XP)
2. Admirals are produced, and have a per-requisite tech+building: Fleet Command
3. Fleet Command is a unique building that provides a free admiral when built and enables the planet to produce new admirals. It also has a very high upkeep cost to pay for all the personnel and equipment
4. Admirals gain level with XP. Each level provides mayor bonuses to ships classes below CS level, and minor bonuses to CS (but no bonuses to super weapons)
Lore wise: the admirals never actually leave the command center and can thus take control of any fleet in the Galaxy within a fixed time-frame (5-10 Turns). Fleets are also only a logical entity so they can be re-assigned if the player wants to
The above would also delay the arrival of the first admirals till early-mid game, limit their numbers and circumvent possible issues regarding the AI managing their admirals
Drawbacks: It is hard to justify the existence of admirals when they are already disembodied from the ships as we have the fleets which work the same way. Assigning XP to fleets does not hold that much potential role-playing wise though, and is harder to control (with tech and building)
Another issue that came into my mind regarding fleet based XP is a concept I have read about the game early on and which still seems to hold true: every event in the game is represented on the map (like when Phidi colonists are transported due to diplomacy deal, or mercs are bought). Considering that the main focus of the game is on tactical battles, a fleet based XP mechanic disconnected from the tactical battles and the actual ships on the galaxy map might be conceptually a less fitting approach
Was also trying to imagine a module based approach: A system type module containing an "admiral" would go in a similar direction I have originally proposed but with added limitations and micro MGMT (maintenance of separate design schema, production, positioning and such)
So contemplated a bit how that could work:
Assuming that we are still trying to motivate the game in the direction of combined fleets, and flagships are not an option:
1. Admirals receive XP as before, but are now assigned to a fleet instead of a ship (fleets have persistent designations and history but no XP)
2. Admirals are produced, and have a per-requisite tech+building: Fleet Command
3. Fleet Command is a unique building that provides a free admiral when built and enables the planet to produce new admirals. It also has a very high upkeep cost to pay for all the personnel and equipment
4. Admirals gain level with XP. Each level provides mayor bonuses to ships classes below CS level, and minor bonuses to CS (but no bonuses to super weapons)
Lore wise: the admirals never actually leave the command center and can thus take control of any fleet in the Galaxy within a fixed time-frame (5-10 Turns). Fleets are also only a logical entity so they can be re-assigned if the player wants to
The above would also delay the arrival of the first admirals till early-mid game, limit their numbers and circumvent possible issues regarding the AI managing their admirals
Drawbacks: It is hard to justify the existence of admirals when they are already disembodied from the ships as we have the fleets which work the same way. Assigning XP to fleets does not hold that much potential role-playing wise though, and is harder to control (with tech and building)
Another issue that came into my mind regarding fleet based XP is a concept I have read about the game early on and which still seems to hold true: every event in the game is represented on the map (like when Phidi colonists are transported due to diplomacy deal, or mercs are bought). Considering that the main focus of the game is on tactical battles, a fleet based XP mechanic disconnected from the tactical battles and the actual ships on the galaxy map might be conceptually a less fitting approach
Was also trying to imagine a module based approach: A system type module containing an "admiral" would go in a similar direction I have originally proposed but with added limitations and micro MGMT (maintenance of separate design schema, production, positioning and such)