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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:44 pm
by SirDamnALot
game_6235, the latest patch with extendet habitat features seems to broke something with my savegame previous to the patch.
"Old" savegame may be the reason. The 'in' object/index seems to be a new variable. If so, not a bug but a new feature :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

Lua state\Orders\production.lua:483: designs is missing required field: info -> 18
Lua state\Orders\production.lua:483:
 Lua state\Orders\set_building_design.lua:540:
  Lua state\AI\planet_dispatch\dispatch_ships.lua:118:?:
   Lua state\AI\planet_dispatch\dyanmic_allocate.lua:57:dynamic_priority_dispatch:Teros:
    Lua state\AI\handle_production.lua:109:set_production
Lua state\Sounds\looping_sounds.lua:10: attempt to index local '(in)' (a nil value)
Lua state\Sounds\looping_sounds.lua:10:do_rollover_sound:
 Lua state\Sounds\looping_sounds.lua:27:
  Lua state\GUI\@EventDispatcher.lua:351:@EventDispatcher.lua:149:
   Lua state\GUI\~GalaxyMap\GalaxyMap.lua:838GalaxyMap.GalaxyMap : 

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:38 pm
by zolobolo
Danath wrote: I checked in the diplomacy screen the size of their fleet before and after that turn, they indeed lost all those ships. They have 20k+ coins, so there are no economic reasons.
This is both alarming and a great opportunity.

If the AI is in fact disbanding ships instead of properly loosing them during engagements, this would mean that fixing the (probably relatively simple) logic of when to disband ships would give the AI a great deal of military boost on the map

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:49 pm
by sven
SirDamnALot wrote:game_6235, the latest patch with extendet habitat features seems to broke something with my savegame previous to the patch.
"Old" savegame may be the reason. The 'in' object/index seems to be a new variable. If so, not a bug but a new feature :mrgreen:
The outpost mechanic changes broke all existing outpost designs -- in the sense that while the old designs are still build-able ships, they can no longer create outposts. In an attempt to preserve old saves and minimize confusion, I wrote a patch hook that, during a game load, removes all such broken designs from people's saves. Unfortunately, I failed to think through just what removing those designs would do in the case that some empires in the game were currently in the process of building ships based on the broken design.

My back-patching hook should be fixed as of r20039, so if you load an older save with that version or better, I'm hopeful things will work properly. Unfortunately, save games that have been in some way broken by the earlier version of the patch will stay broken -- though an excessively clever tester could work around that by using the undo command to roll-back the patch event, then saving and re-loading the game.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:03 am
by sven
Danath wrote:I checked in the diplomacy screen the size of their fleet before and after that turn, they indeed lost all those ships. They have 20k+ coins, so there are no economic reasons.
Thanks for reporting this -- it did indeed look like a very weird moment. However, turns out to have a relatively reasonable explanation: after being turned away by you, the Colonial fleet jumped down to Regulus, where they made a heroic but ultimately disastrous attempt to capture the heavily defended Orthin colony on Regulus III.

If you'd had a ship in-system, you could have watched the fireworks :)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:51 pm
by Danath
sven wrote:the Colonial fleet jumped down to Regulus, where they made a heroic but ultimately disastrous attempt to capture the heavily defended Orthin colony on Regulus III
I still had the savegame, so I moved a ship to witness that battle. The colonial fleet destroyed 1 base, then they simply ran out of missiles, torpedos and strike fighters, and attacked the 2nd base with point defense weapons and crew assaults, putting them in range of planetary plasma cannons <insert facepalm here>

I'd say the AI needs to check firepower available vs enemy strenght each turn, or at least when ammo/hangar==0. So far it either fights or runs, never decides is better to save what's left. A timely retreat is a victory.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:06 pm
by nweismuller
This is a fun one- unrecoverable blackscreen error with the Herald coming to trade. Report sent in game_6247.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:47 pm
by sven
nweismuller wrote:This is a fun one- unrecoverable blackscreen error with the Herald coming to trade. Report sent in game_6247.
Whoops. That's a legacy of a half-deleted addition to the tech tree. I think this one should be fixed as of r22048. (Meaning, the offending technology reference should now be fully removed.)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:08 pm
by nweismuller
game_6249: something screwy is going on with food consumption on planets running City Planning when they have population in orbital colonies. Tendao's food balance running City Planning is -9, and running Trade is -10. Easily seen by swapping Tendao on and off City Planning. It appears that the check to cap food consumption at the population limit of the planet while running City Planning is not taking orbital population capacity into account. Possibly related to the bug/annoyance I've seen where the food consumption cap check doesn't take non-eating populations on the planet into account, so, for instance, if you have seven units of Phidi population and twelve of Pell on Pell, with a population cap of twenty, you'll consume fourteen units of food on Pell running City Planning.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:05 pm
by sven
nweismuller wrote:game_6249: something screwy is going on with food consumption on planets running City Planning when they have population in orbital colonies. Tendao's food balance running City Planning is -9, and running Trade is -10. Easily seen by swapping Tendao on and off City Planning. It appears that the check to cap food consumption at the population limit of the planet while running City Planning is not taking orbital population capacity into account. Possibly related to the bug/annoyance I've seen where the food consumption cap check doesn't take non-eating populations on the planet into account, so, for instance, if you have seven units of Phidi population and twelve of Pell on Pell, with a population cap of twenty, you'll consume fourteen units of food on Pell running City Planning.
Yeah, my math here was wrong. I've changed the formula as of r22049. Now cost of city planning is:

Code: Select all

  MIN( <base consumption>, MAX(0,<pop cap> - <current planet-side pop>) )
So, in the cases where you have a bigger population due to Pell/habitats, your extra food cost can get as small as 0, but, it should never be negative (as was happening in this case).

And, in the extreme case where you've intentionally overpopulated a planet, city planning will cost you nothing. However, in those cases, I believe your growth, even with city planning, will always be 0, so that doesn't seem terribly exploitable.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:17 am
by nweismuller
game_6252: Pacifist trait is not working as advertised. You can pretty easily see in game logs Pell militia fighting to defend Pell.

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:14 am
by nweismuller
game_6253: The last few Ashdar Imperial colonies have started growing in population again, despite having no evident source of food. Is this a bug, or is there something intended going on I'm missing? (Shame I stirred myself to intervene too late- by the time I broke the back of the Tinker offensive on the Imperials, the Imperials had lost all their food sources. I was anticipating yet another scene of horror and atrocity, but am a little baffled at how the Imperials are now surviving.)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:20 pm
by zolobolo
Marauders do not offer protection money option at first encounter as seen below

Might also be intentional to increase difficulty, but do not see it in change log

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:58 pm
by sven
zolobolo wrote:Might also be intentional to increase difficulty, but do not see it in change log
The intention is that there's some randomness here: so depending on their mood (and the balance of your forces) the Marauders may or may not decide to try and extort money from you. So this one is a "working as intended".

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:11 pm
by zolobolo
sven wrote: depending on their mood (and the balance of your forces) the Marauders may or may not decide to try and extort money from you.
So apparently I am just getting sloppy :)

Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:57 pm
by rustyi
Error on attacking harpies. game_6246

Code: Select all

Lua state\@Technology\WeaponMethods.lua:143: attempt to index field 'info' (a nil value)
Lua state\@Technology\WeaponMethods.lua:143:overcharge_damage:
 Lua state\@Tactical\ship_damage.lua:860:damage_roll:
  Lua state\@Tactical\ship_damage.lua:1057:
   Lua state\GUI\~TacticalScreen\ElectrocyteAction.lua:66:fun:
    Lua state\animate_deltas.lua:148