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Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:05 pm
by zolobolo
It would be beneficial for the various harmonised pop types to all differ from each other beyond visuals - which are fantastic but are not reflected in other atrributes beyond habitability so the player wants to "collect them all"
Most major pops already stand out by having somewhat higher wrench or coin production then other harmonised pops
Gremak also keep their "Slavemaster" trait which is really cool if someone thinks to combine their harmonised version with slaves (this is difficult to rationalise as harmonised pops are better then slaves unless food is needed so maybe in case ther are a considerable amoun of non-harmonizable minor races in the empire)
Orthin, on the other hand, have the same base value as Humans though being the best in research. They could still have lower research but higher then other harmonised pops to make them unique when having been harmonised
Humans are generic yes but I guess that is the idea here: their bonus to reproduction rate would not translate well to when they are harmonized due to the way it was implemented. If they would nee to stand out somehow maybe via a new trait like in case of Gremak
Lummox and Algorians also have base value but they are minor races so it does not matter much - how abouth these could be "transformed" to their own type of cybernetic ground shocktroops though via the same mechanic the Gardeners will use
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:45 pm
by gaerzi
zolobolo wrote:IGremak also keep their "Slavemaster" trait which is really cool if someone thinks to combine their harmonised version with slaves
Well there's always the Enfi.
I guess it'd make sense for the Tinkers to also harmonize the Enfi, even if as far as gameplay goes it wouldn't really change anything.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:57 am
by siyoa
zolobolo wrote:Propose for Science Stations to scale up their benefit with the hull size like other systems do (ammo, marines)
this is very easy to mod, change last line
plus=2 is fixed bonus,
space_times is multiplier of system/station slot size (5 on small ships, 20 on big ships, 40 on stations), i.e. 1 to 8 science bonus if set to 0.2 as per my example ... you can change
desc to match
EDIT: you can have combination of both, fixed bonus and multiplier, i.e. 2+0.2*size
Code: Select all
define_system "Science Stations" {
desc = "Shipboard laboratory facilities that generate <BEAKER> per turn.",
drawer_type = 'targeting_computer',
--fixed_power_cost = 5,
--fixed_cost_values = catch(20,0),
power_mult=1, -- slot_size*1 power requirement (for slot_size 5 it matches fixed power cost of 5)
cost_mult=1, -- (4*slot_size)*1 hammer requirement (slot_size 5 matches fixed hammer cost of 20), 4* always applies
update_design_specs = increase_var 'beaker_gen' { space_times = 0.2, plus=0 },
EDIT2: if bonus is size scalable, you should change
fixed_power_cost, fixed_cost_values to multipliers as well, i.e.
power_mult, cost_mult
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:19 am
by zolobolo
siyoa wrote:
this is very easy to mod, change last line
Thanks, is really tempting to use this and have fun with exploration cruisers
The reason I wanted to have this vanilla is this:
If the player is the only one to use the design, then it is a bonus for only ourselves.
If the AI does not benefit, the game is made easier and unfair towards the other empires. Would not feel right using it.
Thus in order to eliminate this, one would also need to mod in the usage of the module into the AI templates as well
I have been actively modding some very limited values in the past but only to address shortcomings in AI difficulty that were hampering the experience.
Since these have been fixed, I am very carefull not to undermine the AI for myself especially now that it is having a hard time keeping up the challenge on Normal with the new changes to the economy
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:52 am
by zolobolo
gaerzi wrote:
Well there's always the Enfi.
I guess it'd make sense for the Tinkers to also harmonize the Enfi, even if as far as gameplay goes it wouldn't really change anything.
Hey I am all for having harmonization option for all races no question
Their coin and research prod would icnreae harmonised so there would be a difference but they would become objective better even though they do not benefit morale-wise
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:48 pm
by zolobolo
Would it make sense to allow both wings of Ashdar Light Cruisers to be equippe separately
It would be nice to have it be more flexible a bit by having PD, guns and rockets at the same time - unless this is an intentional restriction on the design flexibility
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:19 pm
by zolobolo
Propose to list the individual types of pops lost in separate lines any marked by coresponding icon if possible instead of text
Last line to list all destroyed structures as is with icons and values (no need to split up individual structure types into separate lines)
If environmental damage is also done via DLC, that can be yet another line with symbol
This is to help quick readout of pop losses and proportions. Generally better readable as list format then text (from left to right with line breaks)
In below example it takes some time to find the Raiders lost or to determine how many pops were lost altogether:
- Report.png (229.47 KiB) Viewed 25626 times
A good example for the proposed display is the casualites estaimte list prior to invasions
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:48 am
by PrivateHudson
Requested some method to forbid space marines and marauders to participate in ground invasions, because their attrition rate is high, and I need them for space battles and policing respectively. Like checkboxes against space marines and marauders right in the bomb/invade dialog.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:17 am
by Arioch
PrivateHudson wrote:Requested some method to forbid space marines and marauders to participate in ground invasions, because their attrition rate is high, and I need them for space battles and policing respectively. Like checkboxes against space marines and marauders right in the bomb/invade dialog.
Well, you can exclude them by not including their transports in the attack force, but this does imply you have them aboard distinguishable transports.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:58 am
by gaerzi
This mod can help with the "distinguishable" thing.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:22 pm
by PrivateHudson
Arioch wrote:PrivateHudson wrote:Requested some method to forbid space marines and marauders to participate in ground invasions, because their attrition rate is high, and I need them for space battles and policing respectively. Like checkboxes against space marines and marauders right in the bomb/invade dialog.
Well, you can exclude them by not including their transports in the attack force, but this does imply you have them aboard distinguishable transports.
I have the mod to display transports cargo in ships panel. At what point should I deselect undesired transports? Bomb/invade dialog appears right after won space battle, and I can't afford mil. transports and cmd. cruisers to not fight in that.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:44 pm
by Arioch
PrivateHudson wrote:I have the mod to display transports cargo in ships panel. At what point should I deselect undesired transports? Bomb/invade dialog appears right after won space battle, and I can't afford mil. transports and cmd. cruisers to not fight in that.
You'd have to deselect them before the space battle.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:09 pm
by nweismuller
Given the basic concept behind Viscids- destructive pests that steal food and are resistant to complete eradication- I think a better implementation of Viscids than existing as population exists. Nothing in their concept suggests they should be able to prevent clearing land for settlement, and so the fact that they take up population capacity seems very odd. Instead, I think a more logical Viscid implementation would be as a 'planetary special' that adds a flat food upkeep cost to the planet, of whatever magnitude. This way, they aren't somehow crowding your settlers out, despite any efforts, but they are constant pests stealing food.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:14 am
by gaerzi
nweismuller wrote:Given the basic concept behind Viscids- destructive pests that steal food and are resistant to complete eradication- I think a better implementation of Viscids than existing as population exists. Nothing in their concept suggests they should be able to prevent clearing land for settlement, and so the fact that they take up population capacity seems very odd. Instead, I think a more logical Viscid implementation would be as a 'planetary special' that adds a flat food upkeep cost to the planet, of whatever magnitude. This way, they aren't somehow crowding your settlers out, despite any efforts, but they are constant pests stealing food.
That was my idea too: ... 54&p=10238
gaerzi wrote:Serenitis wrote:Viscid. Why? Just, Why.
I think they'd make more sense as a food production penalty on the planet than as a race. The fact there's no way to reduce their numbers, they can only grow, short of metagame approaches like giving the planet away to another empire and then sterilizing it with bombs, really makes them worse than anything else. Mineral-poor planets do not eat into your metal surpluses, they just produce less and make mines not very useful. Likewise, a viscid world should be basically the negative counterpart of supergrain, the parasites making things more annoying for the colonists but not, you know, moving into the residences.
Re: Suggest - Features and Improvements
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 2:17 pm
by PrivateHudson
PrivateHudson wrote:Requested some method to forbid space marines and marauders to participate in ground invasions, because their attrition rate is high, and I need them for space battles and policing respectively. Like checkboxes against space marines and marauders right in the bomb/invade dialog.
Seen similar comment in Steam suggestion thread regarding civilians carried by invasion fleet. Probably single checkbox can cover civilians of all attending races.