Which is your favorite race and why?

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Re: Which is your favorite race and why?

Post by silverkitty23 »

Arioch wrote:Peaceful victories are pretty easy at the moment with the Phidi (or, with anyone, really), but as we add more detail to the diplomacy system, it should get a little more complicated. But hopefully no less fun.
I love the Phidi. They're my favorite. They probably do need a bit of a nerf, but too much, because I still want to love them :)
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Re: Which is your favorite race and why?

Post by zolobolo »

Arioch wrote:Peaceful victories are pretty easy at the moment with the Phidi (or, with anyone, really), but as we add more detail to the diplomacy system, it should get a little more complicated. But hopefully no less fun.
Just played a new game with latest patches and Phidi declared war on me shortly after we have met and that with a slightly positive relationship :)

I was so happy that such a thing has happened to me (except when Yoral declare war), that I even ignored that Phidi is a bit strange race to do such a manuever :)
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Re: Which is your favorite race and why?

Post by zolobolo »

I would suggest utilizing Influence resoruces for Diplomacy Victory
Similarly to how metal is a key resource for Conquest victory

To win diplomatically, the empire needs to:
1. Create enough alliances to win the game
2. Creating alliances should thus be costly in terms fo influence, and should not be possible withouth
3. Influence also needs to be used for other tasks in order to created shortage of it and force decisions: making peace or buying slaves and mercs
4. War should be inevatable if a player does not invest heavily in peace, but buying mercs should be an alternate way of winning a war when the empire has enough influence, while war mongering empires should lack this resource (if primary income is via embassies, and good will trades, then this is more or less given)
5. Buying slaves would give the empire a boost in production, but would hinder the diplomacy victory as infuence is spent but not gained via slaves indirectly

The game already seems to be heading to the above so what I would recommend as a new element to cement this is the following:
- Let Phidi like and lie-minden empires pay off Marauders with money.
- As this should be a money heavy investement, it coud only be done by income heavy empires which would automatically be the diplomatic ones, closing free trade deals.
- Consequently, closing trade deals should give a considerable boost to trade fleet capacity and trading should be the only sure way to accumualte large wealth

Thus the player can choose between two basic strategies or alternate between them:
1. Build fleet with Metal and conquer the neighbouring planets (leading to bad rep with remaining empires)
2. Close deals with other empires, accumualting large amount of income and use that to pay Marauders to harass the other empires before they attack the growing alliance

Diplomacy victory is underestimated and I think a lot of palyers would go for it as they also try to do this in combat heavy 4X games.
If for no other reason, it gives more strategic options to the player to work with making for a more interesting gameplay
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