Any chance of seeing the Terran Mjolnir Cannon or Loroi Wave-Loom in game?

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Any chance of seeing the Terran Mjolnir Cannon or Loroi Wave-Loom in game?

Post by evil713 »

just asking. Some more race specific weapons would be fun.

Also spent 15 min trying to get Siri and Cortana to understand the word Mjolnir. Just ask for me and see what results you get. I keep getting "meal near"
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Re: Any chance of seeing the Terran Mjolnir Cannon or Loroi Wave-Loom in game?

Post by Arioch »

The current race-specific weapons (Flak cannon, Viper, Distortion Fields, Beam artillery, Shield Capacitors, etc.) in the game are mostly placeholders; we will more fully implement them before release.

We won't be adding any Outsider ships or weapon systems. At least, not for the initial release. :D
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