Sorry if this is old news or already covered somewhere:
An idea about making the races have even more personality.
In most 4X games, there a certain actions that trigger world/galaxy wide reactions.
For example start throwing nukes in Civ or the use of Bioweapons in MoO gives you funny looks from everyone.
The twist: Have triggers for different actions, but let the reaction vary from race to race!
Nuking an colony from orbit ? Genocide a captured/indigen population ?
- Some see it as a disgusting crime
- others just as the collateral of warfare
- humans (that hive of scum and villiany
) think you are finally on the right track!
nuke from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!)
Of course, nobody likes it if you do it to
them, but even then the negative reaction could be accentuated by their stance on the topic.
yeah you are a jerk, but honestly, we would have done it too...)
The player would need some feedback that his actions resulted in certain drops/gains in reputation.
Old school like MoO: races leave a message on your answering machine that they find you cool/deplorable.
Thats okay'ish, but would be silly if that kind of feedback happens every time and from everyone.
(ToDo: De-populate Riegel 4. "Done!" *next turn* You have 5 new Messages. "aww man...")
I like how the newer games (like Civ) directly spell out what the AI considers pro/cons with you.
Pro: 30+ years trade treaty; never harmed us; we agree on your type of government, etc
Con: what you did to the colony on Riegel 4, shame on you!
(Which isn't even immersion breaking. If your civilisations are in contact, you know what they say about you. Just watch their TV