Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

A forum for chatting about in-development game features.
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by Arioch »

DDPD wrote:What's the status of the near-term updates?
Some (research tree display, improved load/save ui, report sorting, improved loading screen animations) are already done. There will be some new encounters and some diplomacy additions in Legacies. The remainder of the near-term list will be tackled after Legacies.

After we release Legacies, I'll update the roadmap with better estimates of what will be added when.
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by DDPD »

Arioch wrote:
DDPD wrote:What's the status of the near-term updates?
Some (research tree display, improved load/save ui, report sorting, improved loading screen animations) are already done. There will be some new encounters and some diplomacy additions in Legacies. The remainder of the near-term list will be tackled after Legacies.

After we release Legacies, I'll update the roadmap with better estimates of what will be added when.
Sounds good. Thanks for the update!
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by nweismuller »

Looking forward to the roadmap update. Will be interesting to see what we have to look forward to.
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by zolobolo »

Arioch wrote:
nweismuller wrote:I've been wondering for a while, now: what precisely are Phidi sales commandos? Given that I'm habitually a (very peaceful) Phidi player, this may be relevant to my interests- maybe it will be another tool in my box for when I finally prepare to liberate the enslaved masses under the Marauders in my games.
My concept is that they're an active trading mechanism; you take them in cargo holds to foreign systems and conduct "sales raids." Something for your Trade Ships to do. Just need to figure out a way to make it fun and not tedious.
Sounds like a difficult concept

The AI does not particularly need additions funds, nor seems to be able to differentiate between standard ground troops and special unit types like this would be

From the player side, there is also not much need for additional funds especially when playing the Phidi as income is generated more rapidly and war is less likely with other factions o siphon the treasury.

In order to make such a mechanic useful, costs should be raised considerably e.g.: via starbase and ship maintenance update cost increases. As the later have already been done, and pushing it further would necessitate considerable AI improvement to handle the shortage for all other factions + using the commandos, I would skip on the concept.

If you already have the art though that should not go to waste so here are a couple of ideas you might like :):
1. Have them operate as a Minor faction harassing colonies like Marauder Raiders. Though they would not serve much as a faction feature, they can serve as pirates. The problem here is with the lore which should not support Phidi popping up in far away star systems. Possible solution: these pirates would be generated on the periphery of Phidi Empire, from revolts, or randomly within the empire itself (to keep he Phidi player busy in its long peace time)
2. Replace tank battalions directly with Commandos as the Phidi ground unit. They would have slightly lower combat strength then the generic armored battalions, but would be cheaper and increase morale of Phidi pop when stationed on a colony or income when serving on a trade ship. This would make sense lore-wise as the phidi cannot use tanks underwater, are naturally less likely to tend towards war machine (being the pacifist they are) and also do not need an effective invasion troop type. These troops would be more easy to produce for protection and would still be able to keep up with invasion forces via research gradually increasing their strength

I find the second option the bast way to go as it does not require any AI modification and enhance the immersion for the faction
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by rustyi »

Hope you all are doing well given covid and quarantine!!
I scrolled through all the forums and facebook, but it doesn't appear there's been much activity over the past few months. Curious if we can expect an update on what's in store for 2021 and what all you've been working on?
Love the game - it's been a nice way to help get through quarantine - and hoping there's more planned! :)
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by Arioch »

rustyi wrote:Hope you all are doing well given covid and quarantine!!
I scrolled through all the forums and facebook, but it doesn't appear there's been much activity over the past few months. Curious if we can expect an update on what's in store for 2021 and what all you've been working on?
Love the game - it's been a nice way to help get through quarantine - and hoping there's more planned! :)
We're doing fine, and I hope you are as well.

We are currently working on a second DLC, which adds a new playable faction and overhauls the terraforming system. Things are moving slowly, but they're moving. We don't have a firm release date, but hopefully we'll have more on that before too long.

There is some discussion about DLC2 here and here.
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by rustyi »

THIS. IS. AWESOME!!! Can't wait!!!
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Re: Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap

Post by emky »

I hope all is well with the team. Stars in Shadow has become my favorite 4x game (dethroning [heavily modded] Civilization 4), and I look forward to whatever updates you may still be working on.
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