Report - Current Bugs and Issues

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by bjg »

On Brutal Tinkers don't get a starting altar, but are still "happy" (hope this is a feature). However, if unload colonists (to a Dzibix) they suddenly become "sad". Don't think there is a need to upload - just start as Tinkers on Brutal.
Also, Ocean planets are not shown as cognizable, and you can't colonize them from a neighboring planet. However, you can colonize an Ocean planet using a Colony Ship. Could be a feature, but unfinished one.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by gaerzi »

Something weird happened at some point in the game, possibly related to annexation. I have a fleet of five Yoral transports, carrying five million Yoral souls, that just continually travel to an hyperspace anomaly full of harpies while being officially en route to a planet in a normal star system.
Spoiler: show
And yes it's in a game where the Yoral Khaganate was peacefully annexed into the human empire long ago.

Save upload. (The upload site removed the .zip from the file name.)
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

gaerzi wrote:Minor nitpick of the day: the description of Atmosphere Generation is typoed: "We can build atmosphere processing infrastructre" should be infrastructure.
Typo should be fixed on "in_development", as of r38511. Thanks for reporting it :)
gaerzi wrote:Second minor nitpick: the hover text for Spice Monger population displays their name as "Spice_mongers", it should be "Spice Mongers" for consistency and for not looking like we're getting raw code strings in the human-language interface.
This should also be fixed as of r38511.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by gaerzi »

UI issue when there are several different ground forces defending a planet:

In this case, militia from three different races, plus tanks. The thresher militia overlaps with the structures, and the civilians are stuck below the frame for the conquest statistics.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by gaerzi »

Something weird happened.
There's a human colony at Beid 1. I left it in peace. One turn, the Tinkers arrive in the sector and annex the colony. However, the same turn, the colony requests for metal from me, and if I give it to them I can then annex them, except that they're already annexed by the Tinkers so it doesn't happen.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Captainspire »

Uploaded :game_8389

When attacking the Phildi at Bacabs, there are only 2-4 ships. I can see anything 2 days on route to the planet. One day eta to attacking that system, there are only those 4 ships. When I get there the next turn, suddenly there are 8 carriers and 5-8 other ships.

I know I'm playing the brutal mode, but whats with that?
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Arioch »

Captainspire wrote:Uploaded :game_8389

When attacking the Phildi at Bacabs, there are only 2-4 ships. I can see anything 2 days on route to the planet. One day eta to attacking that system, there are only those 4 ships. When I get there the next turn, suddenly there are 8 carriers and 5-8 other ships.

I know I'm playing the brutal mode, but whats with that?
Here's the situation on turn 1373: I don't see your fleet headed to Bacabs (I'm assuming it hasn't left yet), but there is a large Phidi fleet already en route to attack your outpost at Proxima. Presumably they redirected it to Bacabs intercept your attack.

This is a danger of attacking deep into territory where you don't have good visibility, and especially at a late stage in the game where the enemy has the technology to redirect fleets in transit.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by gaerzi »

Weird happenstance:

As one of my systems finished building a colony ship, an allied faction which, as it turns out, coveted another planet in this system, sent the "worried about your intentions" thing. Of course I cannot promise not to settle in the system (option is grayed out) since, well, I was in this system already. In fact I had been in this system since before I even met them in the first place, a continuous presence of over 90 turns. It's kind of annoying to be docked 40 reputation points for this.

By the way it's annoying that an allied AI faction assumes it can freely settle on planets in systems that belong to you, they should politely ask first IMO.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Arioch »

I believe they're supposed to ask permission. If they're not, something may be wrong.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by Supermint »

Latest update has broken the development version slightly. Below is the error.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

Supermint wrote:Latest update has broken the development version slightly.
:o I really should not have missed that. Sorry guys. Should be fixed now (r38523).
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by akkamaddi »

Unless i am missing something, it looks like in the current release, there is no folder:

\Stars in Shadow\Lua state\Drawers\PopIcons\normal\scavenger_unhappy

Based on my modding experience, this would make the game crash if you go to their home world while they are rebelling.

I know the quick fix is copy the "scavenger" folder and rename it, but it may be worth a quick push to get this fixed.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by zolobolo »

Foreign trade route does not apply correctly: +1 instead of described +8 in the diplo menu

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

akkamaddi wrote:Unless i am missing something, it looks like in the current release, there is no folder:

\Stars in Shadow\Lua state\Drawers\PopIcons\normal\scavenger_unhappy

Based on my modding experience, this would make the game crash if you go to their home world while they are rebelling.

I know the quick fix is copy the "scavenger" folder and rename it, but it may be worth a quick push to get this fixed.
Right now, scavengers and gaiads are classified as "unruly", which is a sortof strange set of special rules. "Unruly" races never become unhappy.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by akkamaddi »

sven wrote:
akkamaddi wrote: "Unruly" races never become unhappy.
That... makes a weird sort of sense. They are happy they are setting fire to the streets. :D
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