Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Arioch » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:25 pm

Must be something to do with that. Which also reminds me that we don't have alternate leader names.

Thanks for the report.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby nweismuller » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:23 pm

Xeno-Engineering, Improved Solar Panels, and Autorepair Systems join Subspace Networking as lacking any 'flavor text' for the technology.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby halftea » Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:16 am

Minor text hiccup. When checking a strike fighter on a already built Tinker Carrier, It is telling me I have "Antimatter missiless". Doesn't appear on the shipbuilding pane or against bombers on a captured Ashdar Fleet Carrier. I didn't notice this prior to antimatter missiles, so don't know if it is present for fusion or nuclear missiles. Haven't checked against other races either honestly either. So pretty niche case presentation.

Tinker Carrier.JPG
Tinker Carrier.JPG (96.29 KiB) Viewed 52754 times

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Arioch » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:41 pm

halftea wrote:Minor text hiccup.

The damage done by Interceptors, Bombers and Strike Fighters depends on the best beam and missile techs you have, and the description for each of these small craft lists which weapons it is using (beams for an interceptor, missiles for a bomber, and both for a strike fighter). The same text appears in the ship designer and in the ship status screen. I'm not sure I understand what you feel is wrong here.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Chasm » Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:41 pm

Antimatter missiless not antimatter missiles. Look at the spelling of it. The plural form is incorrect.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Arioch » Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:48 pm

Ah, got it.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby halftea » Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:50 pm

Thanks Chasm! That was exactly what I meant. Apologies for not clarifying that point in the first place. What can I say? It made sense in my head...

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby zolobolo » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:28 pm

Human Tech: "Powered Armor" does not display the Assault Marines unit that it unlocks.
Analog to ship and ship parts it should be visible there right?

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby nweismuller » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:18 pm

The mouseover text for Spice Mongers population is currently 'Spice_mongers'. Possibly should be cleaned up.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Munin » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:09 pm

Here's a couple of typos I found and which are still in 22103:



“Zubelengen”, the same species who’s rapid aquaforming of Alioth
“Zubelengen”, the same species whose rapid aquaforming of Alioth


discourage the Gremak from eating any other Ashdaar.
discourage the Gremak from eating any other Ashdar.


distances from star to star after the collaspe of the warp lanes
distances from star to star after the collapse of the warp lanes



absorbing only 50% of incomming kinetic damage.
absorbing only 50% of incoming kinetic damage.


This organ uses an array of cells to generate and store a remarkably
This organ uses an array of cells to generate and stores a remarkably



the damage done by railguns is not effected by range.
the damage done by railguns is not affected by range.


advanced beam and missile will improve the damage of each attack type.
advanced beam and missile weapons will improve the damage of each attack type.


servers as its own thermonuclear
serves as its own thermonuclear


infrastructure to mount
infrastructure to mount.


few vessles can survive an Antimatter Torpedo salvo.
few vessels can survive an Antimatter Torpedo salvo.



the vessel of'The Herald' has
the vessel of 'The Herald' has



from one another, and it various
from one another, and its various


introduced as an engineered food drop
introduced as an engineered food crop


engineered food crop from from
engineered food crop from






We're performed an autopsy of the strange creatures.
We've performed an autopsy of the strange creatures.


plasma which is generates and stores in an internal
plasma which it generates and stores in an internal


engineering is accomplish by such a compact organ
engineering is accomplished by such a compact organ


terminating in complex exocortex structure the also
had sizable power inputs
terminating in a complex exocortex structure that also
had sizable power inputs

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby AMX » Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:28 am

Munin wrote:This organ uses an array of cells to generate and store a remarkably
This organ uses an array of cells to generate and stores a remarkably

That one looks fine to me?
The organ uses the same array of cells both to generate and to store a remarkably...

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Arioch » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:42 pm

Thanks for the report. Some of these are dead code, but no reason they can't be grammatically correct. :D

AMX wrote:
Munin wrote:This organ uses an array of cells to generate and store a remarkably
This organ uses an array of cells to generate and stores a remarkably

That one looks fine to me?
The organ uses the same array of cells both to generate and to store a remarkably...

Organs store

Organ stores

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby AMX » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:44 pm

Arioch wrote:Thanks for the report. Some of these are dead code, but no reason they can't be grammatically correct. :D

AMX wrote:
Munin wrote:This organ uses an array of cells to generate and store a remarkably
This organ uses an array of cells to generate and stores a remarkably

That one looks fine to me?
The organ uses the same array of cells both to generate and to store a remarkably...

Organs store

Organ stores

But in the context of this sentence, organ doesn't store - Organ uses.

Organ uses an array of cells to generate
Organ uses an array of cells to store
Organ uses an array of cells to generate and store

Only works if the same array of cells is used for both purposes, of course.
Munin's change is also correct, but has a slightly different meaning (the array of cells is only used to generate, but not to store - the organ stores somewhere else).

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby Arioch » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:58 pm

It depends on how you read it, but in any case the sentence can be more cleanly written.

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Re: Please Report Missing and/or Placeholder Text

Postby nathanebht » Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:24 pm

Analyzing a raider asteroid base that I took out resulted in 10% research of Hidden Bases. The description says it should be hidden from everyone and non-discoverable.

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