SiS Updater and Installer

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby sven » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:13 am

Faramir wrote:Thank you! Switching to an alternative port resolve the issue. I start the installation of the game.
We have in the organization installed Kaspersky endpoint security 10 for Windows - possible cause and there, but the unloading of its anti-virus did not help solve the problem.

It might not actually be the anti-virus per-say that caused the issue. As I recall, Kaspersky has a bunch of different program monitoring features, and if the error only occurred on port 80, it might be some kind of web-security feature (such a feature could be mistaking the TLS data stream for HTTPS).

In any case, glad you got it working! I should probably update the installer to default to the "alt port" setting, as a number of different testers have all had issues on port 80, but I've yet to get any reports of problems running on the alt-port.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby Sarissofoi » Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:37 pm

Windows vista
starting sis_insaler.exe
nothing happen
There is no process visible in Task menager. Nothing happen.
Can't install/download. Zero messages.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby sven » Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:44 pm

Sarissofoi wrote:Windows vista
starting sis_insaler.exe
nothing happen
There is no process visible in Task menager. Nothing happen.
Can't install/download. Zero messages.

For the record: We appear to have sorted this one out via email, but, it's still a little murky just what was causing the issue.

I suggested running the installer via the command prompt: i.e., by going to "Start Menu -> Run", then typing "cmd". To make the path issues simpler, we copied sis_installer.exe into c:, and then typed "c:\sis_installer.exe".

For whatever reason, that appears to have worked fine, while simply clicking on the installer in windows did not. If anyone else runs into an issue like this one, please let me know.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby Sarissofoi » Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:56 pm

By the way is a preorder memebershave access to closed beta or they have access to older build only and need apply to get losed beta access?
Also were to post feedback? Sugestion thread?

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby Arioch » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:58 pm

Sarissofoi wrote:By the way is a preorder memebershave access to closed beta or they have access to older build only and need apply to get losed beta access?
Also were to post feedback? Sugestion thread?

The folks who pre-ordered and got beta access are still part of the beta program and will continue to receive updates. No additional action is required.

You can post feedback anywhere you like, in existing threads or in new ones. Feedback is always welcome.

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Postby eltharion » Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:48 am

I think the patch system is in some way defective.
From a couple of days it gives me problems. It remains locked in unpacking.

I tried to remove everything and reinstall from scratch.
It works, but at the first update ... hangs it all again.

Thank You

updater modtime: 2016-08-23 23:45:42.876
running on 2016-08-24 08:54:07.527
looks like a new update has posted -- starting updater.
connecting to
did handshake
connection established
gathering file data, 2016-08-24 08:54:08.525
fetching file info for, Z:/Games/Stars in Shadow
file fetch done..
file info reformat done..
data gather complete, 2016-08-24 08:54:09.284
received "07:45.08PM Tuesday, 08/23/16 (16797) :
updating to version, 07:45.08PM Tuesday, 08/23/16 (16797) :
sending file data, 2016-08-24 08:54:09.651
sending data to server, t=2016-08-24 08:54:09.737
sending, filecheck_ZIP 493032, 2016-08-24 08:54:09.737
resending version
sending version info "05:04.59PM Tuesday, 08/23/16 (16796) :
receiving response, 2016-08-24 08:54:10.105
sending data
getting update data, 2016-08-24 08:54:20.585
fetching "version.txt" (modtime)
fetching "Lua state/Orders/relations.lua" (size)
all files received in 0.184000 seconds (48.509681kB/s)
attempting patch..., "Z:\\Games\\Stars in
patch complete
sis.exe: 4296144b md5:A31296D54612B3ABEC6FA682E6DC03AE
connecting to
did handshake
sending data to server, t=2016-08-24 08:54:23.530
sending, sendLogs 372, 2016-08-24 08:54:23.530
receiving response, 2016-08-24 08:54:23.530
sending data
sending, updates.txt
logs uploaded
connecting to
did handshake
connection established
gathering file data, 2016-08-24 08:54:24.689
fetching file info for, Z:/Games/Stars in Shadow
file fetch done..
file info reformat done..
data gather complete, 2016-08-24 08:54:25.462
verified assets for BladeAK (0.790 / 0.79 sec)
received "07:45.08PM Tuesday, 08/23/16 (16797) :
verified assets for BladeAsteroid (0.135 / 1.23 sec)

looks like we're up to date.
version = 07:45.08PM Tuesday, 08/23/16 (16797) :
verified assets for BladeBB (0.280 / 1.77 sec)
sis.exe: 4296144b md5:A31296D54612B3ABEC6FA682E6DC03AE
verified assets for BladeBC (0.349 / 2.44 sec)
verified assets for BladeBomber (0.223 / 2.92 sec)
verified assets for BladeCA (0.294 / 3.59 sec)
verified assets for BladeCC (0.289 / 4.19 sec)
verified assets for BladeCL (0.206 / 4.70 sec)
verified assets for BladeCLE (0.195 / 5.29 sec)
verified assets for BladeCV (0.180 / 5.88 sec)
verified assets for BladeColony (0.425 / 6.52 sec)
verified assets for BladeDD (0.160 / 7.06 sec)
verified assets for BladeFighter (0.085 / 7.38 sec)
verified assets for BladeOutpost (0.446 / 8.14 sec)
verified assets for BladeOutpostAK (0.439 / 8.94 sec)
verified assets for BoxAK (0.423 / 9.72 sec)
verified assets for BoxBB (0.122 / 10.22 sec)
verified assets for BoxCA (0.114 / 10.61 sec)
verified assets for BoxCL (0.151 / 11.05 sec)
verified assets for BoxCLE (0.178 / 11.47 sec)
verified assets for BoxCS (0.099 / 11.80 sec)
verified assets for BoxCV (0.116 / 12.21 sec)
verified assets for BoxColony (0.401 / 12.90 sec)
verified assets for BoxDD1 (0.157 / 13.46 sec)
verified assets for BoxDD2 (0.102 / 13.81 sec)
verified assets for BoxDT (0.126 / 14.23 sec)
verified assets for BoxFF (0.098 / 14.60 sec)
verified assets for BoxOutpost (0.241 / 15.14 sec)
verified assets for BoxOutpostAK (0.595 / 16.10 sec)
verified assets for HammerAK (0.710 / 17.21 sec)
verified assets for HammerAsteroid (0.104 / 17.61 sec)
verified assets for HammerBB (0.197 / 18.11 sec)
verified assets for HammerCA (0.223 / 18.73 sec)
verified assets for HammerCL (0.309 / 19.42 sec)
verified assets for HammerCLM (0.205 / 19.92 sec)
verified assets for HammerCVL (1.561 / 21.87 sec)
verified assets for HammerColony (0.206 / 22.32 sec)
verified assets for HammerDD (0.217 / 22.93 sec)
verified assets for HammerHeavyFighter (0.113 / 23.43 sec)
verified assets for HammerInterceptor (0.063 / 23.78 sec)
verified assets for HammerOutpost (0.304 / 24.42 sec)
verified assets for HammerOutpostAK (0.297 / 25.01 sec)
verified assets for HammerSCS (0.170 / 25.48 sec)
verified assets for HammerScout (0.122 / 25.84 sec)
verified assets for HawkAK (0.280 / 26.39 sec)
verified assets for HawkBC (0.300 / 27.01 sec)
verified assets for HawkCA (0.172 / 27.48 sec)
verified assets for HawkCLE (0.120 / 27.83 sec)
verified assets for HawkCM (0.109 / 28.22 sec)
verified assets for HawkCS (0.161 / 28.67 sec)
verified assets for HawkCVA (0.116 / 29.03 sec)
verified assets for HawkCVE (0.200 / 29.51 sec)
verified assets for HawkCVL (0.148 / 30.06 sec)
verified assets for HawkColony (0.185 / 30.50 sec)
verified assets for HawkDD (0.109 / 30.82 sec)
verified assets for HawkFighter (0.109 / 31.22 sec)
verified assets for HawkGunboat (0.076 / 31.59 sec)
verified assets for HawkInterceptor (0.086 / 32.00 sec)
verified assets for HawkLST (0.272 / 32.59 sec)
verified assets for HawkLargeStation (0.053 / 32.97 sec)
verified assets for HawkMP (0.128 / 33.44 sec)
verified assets for HawkOutpost (0.441 / 34.15 sec)
verified assets for HawkOutpostAK (0.633 / 35.15 sec)
verified assets for HawkSmallBase (0.100 / 35.61 sec)
verified assets for HawkYard (0.591 / 36.51 sec)
verified assets for MantaAK (0.758 / 37.47 sec)
verified assets for MantaBB1 (0.551 / 38.27 sec)
verified assets for MantaBC (0.314 / 38.83 sec)
verified assets for MantaCA1 (0.339 / 39.45 sec)
verified assets for MantaCF (0.499 / 40.22 sec)
verified assets for MantaColony (0.701 / 41.22 sec)
verified assets for MantaDD1 (0.248 / 41.76 sec)
verified assets for MantaFighter (0.079 / 42.20 sec)
verified assets for MantaHeavyFighter (0.034 / 42.55 sec)
verified assets for MantaOutpost (0.843 / 43.76 sec)
verified assets for MantaOutpostAK (0.455 / 44.57 sec)
verified assets for MantaTD (0.687 / 45.60 sec)
verified assets for RelicStargate (0.026 / 45.94 sec)
verified assets for StarCF (1.539 / 47.86 sec)
verified assets for StarCVA (0.135 / 48.25 sec)
verified assets for StarColony (0.262 / 48.78 sec)
verified assets for StarFighter (0.058 / 49.17 sec)
verified assets for StarOutpost (0.270 / 49.79 sec)
verified assets for StarOutpostAK (0.175 / 50.29 sec)
verified assets for StarScout (0.311 / 50.83 sec)
verifying part drawers
19 percent..
35 percent..
53 percent..
77 percent..
97 percent..
verifying character assets
verifying ui assets
verified assets for TopBarFrame_simple (0.000 sec)
verified assets for LongFrame (0.093 sec)
verified assets for GlowyArrows.wedge (0.027 sec)
verified assets for Small_X (0.015 sec)
verified assets for PlanetBar (0.016 sec)
verified assets for DialogFrame (0.000 sec)
verified assets for NavFrame (0.053 sec)
verified assets for notification_icons (1.706 sec)
verified assets for SummaryFrame (0.000 sec)
verified assets for TwoTabFrame (0.020 sec)
verified assets for rounded_rect (0.001 sec)
verified assets for TopBarFrame (0.001 sec)
verified assets for InfoFrame (0.051 sec)
verified assets for PopIcons (0.153 sec)
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
can't start the game until art unpack is complete.
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
almost there...
can't start the game until art unpack is complete.

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Postby sven » Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:58 pm

eltharion wrote:I think the patch system is in some way defective.
From a couple of days it gives me problems. It remains locked in unpacking.

I tried to remove everything and reinstall from scratch.
It works, but at the first update ... hangs it all again.

Hrm. I'm not certain what's causing this -- I've taken a look at your logs, and as best as I can tell, there are no reported errors. It could just be a window messaging bug (i.e., the unpacker is finishing, but, for some reason, it's attempt to tell the updater that it's finished is failing.)

In cases like this one, if you close the updater, and then restart the game, I believe everything should work fine.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby eltharion » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:23 pm

However I ran into another error.

A ship of marauders came into one of my systems.
I was contacted and they told me that they "did not want to pick a fight"
since there were some of my ships into the system. Everything ok, except that then
the counter of the food has gone to zero (and all systems were "blockaded") from
an alien ship, but there was no alien ship in my systems.
Saving and reloading the game, the problem persisted.

From time to time then they come out of the error screens with variable code
1234 and others. I will post screenshots or the text of those errors.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby sven » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:42 pm

eltharion wrote:However I ran into another error.

From time to time then they come out of the error screens with variable code
1234 and others. I will post screenshots or the text of those errors.

Ok. Sorry for the bugs. It's worth noting that there were a lot of bugs introduced in last night's 'stable' build. I fixed most of them this morning. So, if you get the latest patch (currently r16805), there's a chance that many of these issues will be resolved.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby eltharion » Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:08 pm

No problem...
Thank you for your work.

A question ... it would be possible to extend the size of the galaxy over 100 systems?
I like epic campaigns, with 100 systems I have the neighbors..."already at home" :lol:

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby bjg » Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:45 pm

The updater stopped working on XP (some call is missing in some kernel dll - sorry, rushed to delete SiS on that machine). You might not care though.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby sven » Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:49 pm

bjg wrote:The updater stopped working on XP (some call is missing in some kernel dll - sorry, rushed to delete SiS on that machine). You might not care though.

It would be good to track this down -- as it probably means that the version I'm about to push out on steam is going to break for any XP users as well. Can you send me a screenshot of the exact error message? Thanks.

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby bjg » Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:00 am

sven wrote:
bjg wrote:The updater stopped working on XP (some call is missing in some kernel dll - sorry, rushed to delete SiS on that machine). You might not care though.

It would be good to track this down -- as it probably means that the version I'm about to push out on steam is going to break for any XP users as well. Can you send me a screenshot of the exact error message? Thanks.

Doesn't Steam has its own update client?
It actually was quite old version, I don't play SiS on that computer, just wanted to check something for reference.
Will need to install it again.

Update - can't install:

updater modtime: 2015-09-10 15:25:36.000
running on 2016-12-27 00:04:14.024
connecting to
did handshake
connection established
gathering file data, 2016-12-27 00:04:24.462
fetching file info for, C:/Stars in Shadow
file fetch done..
file info reformat done..
data gather complete, 2016-12-27 00:04:24.462
version send failed:, updater\start.lua:835: server error:
lets try another port...
connecting to
did handshake
updater\start.lua:835: server error: wantread

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby bjg » Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:28 am

Copied (recent) update.exe from another computer:
sis_update_start_error.png (12.06 KiB) Viewed 64872 times

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Re: SiS Updater and Installer

Postby zakblood » Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:04 pm

working fine 4 me
1.jpg (756.52 KiB) Viewed 64857 times

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