The cursors are placeholders at the moment. It's appropriate that the cursor change when dragging, and it does that.luciderous wrote:LMB-panning works great! Yet there is default cursor visible when panning - forcing the default game cursor to work everywhere would do the trick.
The bottom panel probably needs its own "close panel" edge.luciderous wrote:RMB doesn’t close the top layer anymore and that’s great! However, it would be nice to be able to close the system view by simply LMB-clicking on the starmap anywhere
Yes, this functionality is coming.luciderous wrote:It would be nice to be able to dismiss popup notifications by simply RMB-clicking on the relevant icons in the notifications queue
ESC now dismisses the bottom panel. I agree that ESC should bring up the menu in the case when the bottom panel is already dismissed. There is also now a gear icon on the top bar that will bring up the game menu when clicked.luciderous wrote:I’d very much prefer using ESC to F10 for bringing up the game menu. Much more intuitive, I guess.
I agree, the science glyph whitespace needs to be wider.luciderous wrote:Science points symbol in text windows is placed too close the actual number - a single space between them would make things look better
Why is this undesirable? It is essentially a webpage.luciderous wrote:Hypertext links are underlined - that looks more like a webpage.
Most of the UI should move to this model as we revamp each screen.luciderous wrote:Planetary Report panel has a great “close panel” edge. Would be nice to have the same one uniformly used for other screens
This is already how the game works -- you don't see the system name, planets, or any ships in a system until it is explored.luciderous wrote:Something like a “cloud of war” for unexplored space on the strategic map would be nice, so that the player doesn’t see what’s happening everywhere in the galaxy right away. For example: on the game start - you can only see your own star system with planets rotating. Other systems are only visible as stars (no planets visible, no names for systems, no ships orbiting) until scouted.
Make sure you have the "omniscient developer" feature turned off in Options.