Report - Current Bugs and Issues

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:
mharmless wrote:Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Autocombat does not close on a planet while there are missiles in the fleet, eventually resulting in a tie.
Would you upload the game where this happened (just via the options screen)? I've seen the issue happen intermittently myself, but, I thought I'd fixed it :oops:
Uploaded as "game_715". Turn was cleaned up until only this fight remained.

1) Select the Phidi Encounter at Seralta event, fleet is in the lower right area of the map.
2) Make sure entire fleet is highlighted, then deselect the two carriers.
3) Hit autocombat on the ice world Eluz.
4) Get result of extended inconclusive battle.

If you do it manually (without carriers) and keep hitting autocombat, you can see the entire fleet staying put while the handful of torpedos are fired at the planet, before eventually just waiting out the clock. Removing the carriers is necessary because the bombers on board will do enough damage to clear the planet on their own.

If you remove the two 'Battleship VII' and leave in the carriers, it still holds distance but the carriers can carry the day.

If you remove both 'Battleship VII' and the two carriers, fleet will close and rapidly clear the planet with railguns.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Selecting production on a world causes the planetary report to scroll back to the top of the list.

Observed Behavior: Changing production on a world in any way will cause the planetary report to scroll back up to the top of the list. This is the behavior even when the changes are made to the queue and not the active production, as well as when you simply re-select the same item you are already building.

Expected Behavior: Planetary report is independent of changes to individual planetary production queues.

Steps to Reproduce:

1) Have a resolution/aspect large enough to have the planetary report open at the same time as the colony production screen.
2) Have enough worlds to require scrolling through the planetary report to see them all.
3) Scroll the planetary report down, click on a world.
4) Issue any production order at all.
5) Planetary report scrolls back to the top.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Buying production closes the choose production screen.

Observed Behavior: Buying production closes the choose production screen and sends you back to the main planet view. Text appears over the main production item just purchased saying "CANNOT CHANGE".

Expected Behavior: With the addition of production queues to the game the player should not be ejected from the choose production screen after making a buy order. The text should still change to "CANNOT CHANGE" over the purchased item.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Colonist movement after stargates technology still shows an ETA in turns, but is actually instantaneous.

I'm assuming the instant colonist movement is a deliberate result of the stargates technology, which means the travel eta is what's wrong.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Doomstars can be initially placed in combat such that they overlap each other.

The below pictured doomstars were placed this way initially. They are packed much tighter then they are normally allowed to move.

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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:
mharmless wrote:Fired up GPU-Z to watch it while sitting in the production chooser, getting 38% GPU load, 1300 MB used, and 59 degrees C from the sensors while the flashing is triggering.
Ok, well it looks like I need to retract my hypothesis about this being a load issue. I can't replicate the flickering on my Radeon HD 7000 (and on that card, the rendering load in this save is extreme -- the game's almost unplayable, running at about 2-4 FPS)
My game was finally starting to crawl, noticeable input lag. Unsure what the FPS was at, but getting low for sure. Video card remained under 50% utilization, CPU usage seemed to be sitting at about 12-13%. Memory usage staying under 1gb.

Doomstars finally cracked those Marauder nuts, so started a xenocidal campaign to end the game. Doom stars sent in all directions.

Beginning of stardate 1425, game still chugging along. Process a few battles. The _instant_ I vaporized the colony of Misam III, framerate ticked up and input lag disappeared. Backed up a few moves, the problem does not return. Game continues to run fine. Uploaded this state as "game_716".

A few turns back I scrapped a bunch of ships (most of my non-doomstars). Possible there wasn't some cleanup done until the colony death event?

I have no idea what was causing the input lag and slowness; kept an eye on resource monitor and video card specs the entire time on the second monitor. Nothing noticeable had happened in either one when the game picked up the pace.

Edit: Just to be clear, the change was very drastic. The game is responding as quickly as it does with a new game. I can cycle through planets as fast as I can smash the next planet button, and I can grab the map and jerk it around really fast and it responds instantly.

Second edit: I opened the planetary report and slowness returned immediately. I had closed it a few turns back hoping to speed things up (same with the ship scrapping). Right now, I can switch between fast & slow by opening and closing the report. Same save I uploaded, 716. No appreciable difference in CPU, Memory, or GPU load when comparing opened report vs closed report. World of difference in responsiveness though.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Metal production summary text at top of screen overlaps research summary icon.

The text for the metal production goes all the way up to the text for research production, overlapping the research icon. Not sure when that triggered, but metal production and stores are both quite large. All the other icons seem to keep justifying properly even though they are also very large totals.
Top bar text overlap.PNG
Top bar text overlap.PNG (24.62 KiB) Viewed 24657 times
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Population maximum weirdness

Planet Tendao, medium island world. 20 million Phidi colonists, marked as (stable). Clicking on the colonists gives a population summary like so:
Tendao Colonists.PNG
Tendao Colonists.PNG (33.09 KiB) Viewed 24655 times

The max listed is higher than what appears to be the actual max of 20m.

Clicking trough the climate zones, we see Phidi are best occupants of Reef and Ocean, but the vents would be best with Orthin. So move in 1 million Orthin colonists. The Orthin show that they will add +5 to the planets maximum population. Presumably in the vents there.

When they arrive, however, the population of BOTH groups starts growing:
Phidi & Orthin.PNG
Phidi & Orthin.PNG (281.04 KiB) Viewed 24655 times
The detail sheet for Phidi stays the same, showing 22,200,000 max. Orthin look like so:
Orthin Immigrants.PNG
Orthin Immigrants.PNG (56.81 KiB) Viewed 24655 times
Advancing one turn does indeed show that both groups have grown. The presence of the Orthin is allowing me to have more Phidi. And the Phidi have adjusted to show 22,353,298 maximum allowed, while still saying None for additional allowed.
The next turn, Phidi climb again and the maximum does as well, 22,503,150.

Switch on city planning mode and waited for Phidi to stop growing.
They topped out at 20,780,00 and became Stable. The maximum allowed lists as 22,980,000.

I'm assuming that under the hood, the Phidi were stopped at 20 million even, while the planet's max pop was actually something like the 20.7 they grew to occupy. But I'm not able to come up with a good reason for the discrepancy between reported max and actual max.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Population maximum weirdness
I'm assuming that under the hood, the Phidi were stopped at 20 million even, while the planet's max pop was actually something like the 20.7 they grew to occupy. But I'm not able to come up with a good reason for the discrepancy between reported max and actual max.
Hrm. Thanks for the report. There are some overly-clever special rules in the population mechanics that are intended to make populations even out to nice neat numbers, where possible. This bug probably has something to do with a glitch / inconsistency inside said rules. I should, perhaps, just turn off those special cases entirely, rather than trying to fix the mechanics as they are. I'm not convinced there really is anything wrong with letting the Phidi-only capacity of Tendao be, say, 20.7, rather than 20.0.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Unable to remove undiscovered/unknown systems from ship during refit, but still able to add mods

Refitting the Heavy Cruiser humans start with, haven't yet discovered turbolasers. I am able to add armor piercing and rapid fire mods (which I do have the tech for) to the turbolasers, but unable to remove any of them from their mounts.

As a work around, I am able to place a module I do have knowledge of over the turbolaser, then remove that module.

I'm assuming the inability to pick up the module is a deliberate check due to lack of tech, in which case the ability to modify the module should also be blocked.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote:Build r14486 (01/08/2016)

1) Select the Phidi Encounter at Seralta event, fleet is in the lower right area of the map.
2) Make sure entire fleet is highlighted, then deselect the two carriers.
3) Hit autocombat on the ice world Eluz.
4) Get result of extended inconclusive battle.
Ah, looks like I was only checking for the out-of-ammo case with /missiles/, so /torpedoes/ caused this glitch. Should be fixed on 'dev' (r14608). Thanks again for the very thorough QA pass.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:Ah, looks like I was only checking for the out-of-ammo case with /missiles/, so /torpedoes/ caused this glitch. Should be fixed on 'dev' (r14608). Thanks again for the very thorough QA pass.
With the same fight, you also get the fleet staying back while the carriers launch bombers a few times. I don't know if they will advance if the bombers are shot down or not, haven't been able to engineer that scenario yet. Also, no problem, glad I can help with the game; I really like what I see.
Last edited by mharmless on Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote: With the same fight, you also get the fleet staying back while the carriers launch bombers a few times. I don't know if they will advance if the bombers are shot down or not, haven't been able to engineer that scenario yet.
The code does have cases that, in theory, should cause a carrier fleet facing immobile targets to advance, in the case that all it's fighters are destroyed. I *think* I even remember testing that one, back in the day.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Weird spacing on the music volume level selection boxes

Just noticed the music selection boxes seem to be spaced oddly, quite noticeable in windowed mode, which the below is snipped from.
Music Volume Selection Box Spacing.PNG
Music Volume Selection Box Spacing.PNG (14.69 KiB) Viewed 24626 times
There is a larger gap after the third, sixth, ninth, eleventh, and fourteenth boxes, out of sixteen total. Zooming in with mspaint shows a two pixel gap between most boxes, and three pixels after each of the indicated boxes.

In fullscreen, no such gap shows. Snipping the area and examining in mspaint shows 3 pixel gap between each box, all the way across.
Music Volume Selection Box Spacing - fullscreen.PNG
Music Volume Selection Box Spacing - fullscreen.PNG (23.83 KiB) Viewed 24626 times
The monitor is running in 1920x1200 resolution. Taking a screenshot of the windowed mode and measuring it (window elements and all) shows 1440x879 pixels. Looks I am able to adjust the window into arbitrary resolutions.

Moved the game over to my 1200x1600 resolution display and toggled fullscreen, giving this spacing:
Music Volume Selection Box fullscreen 1200x1600.PNG
Music Volume Selection Box fullscreen 1200x1600.PNG (13.08 KiB) Viewed 24626 times
This one is two pixels wide except after four, six, and eight. Those three spots are each three pixels wide.
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Re: Report - Current Bugs and Issues

Post by mharmless »

Build r14486 (01/08/2016)
Orthin Colonist ability Academics on race selection screen shows +1 science instead of +0.5 science.

The other player races seem to have 0.5 as the default science output per citizen and Orthin have 1.0, so this should probably list it as +0.5 science.
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