[i]NOTICE: This thread has been created specifically for all the testers to report any bugs or other issues they encounter during the beta-testing stage. You will make the lives of the developers a lot easier if you post your tech issues in this particular thread and not somewhere else on the forum, and if you provide concise yet thorough description of the bug in question. Be advised that as they work through your bug report, the following additional info may make the developer's lives easier:
- short description of how to reproduce the bug (if applicable)
- a save file of the game where the bug occurred <OR> the game # generated by a successful game log upload.
edited by sven: If the reported bug is a known issue or a simple fix -- I may add an 'edited by sven' comment at the bottom of the report, rather than replying in a separate post. I'm hoping this will make the issues listed in the thread easier to keep track of.
reporting CTDs: If the game encounters a crash to desktop (CTD), there's a chance that you'll be given a chance to create a diagnostic crash dump file. Be aware that these dump files are very large (200mb+), though they'll compress down to 50mb-ish in a zip. In the event that you encounter a CTD, I'd very much appreciate a copy of one of these copy crash.dmp files (sent using whatever large-file transfer service works best for you).