Ashbery76 wrote:I have it but it just not fun doing it.
sven wrote:(You'd probably need new UI elements to control which races had which kinds of migration rights, and you might well need other kinds of new UI designs to give player sufficient feedback on what was going on.)
sven wrote:... I do sometimes think about the SoTS "migration" technologies, which were late-game techs that, when researched, caused certain races to automatically migrate to take advantage of open habitat space in your empire, without any need for action from the player. From a game design perspective, the important thing about a SoTS-style migration tech is that it doesn't just do population movement for you, it actually changes the core rules of the game so that manual pop movement is only rarely helpful.
PrivateHudson wrote:That gonna be powerful tech! Think of all those (otherwise not terribly useful) Wrems on (otherwise not terribly useful) iceballs and barrens.
AMX wrote:IMO spawning additional pop for free would be OP, period.
Maybe instead redirect population growth from full planets?
zolobolo wrote:Indeed such a tech should not rely on transports from the pool to move around pops as that can wreck the economy in an insance and the player would not be happ abouth it
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