Here's my custom version. I've spent the last few weeks without feeling the need to tinker with it further, so I'll consider it finished.
Some changes:
The planet type is written in a font that, IMO, is more legible at this size. In addition, special resources and mineral richness are displayed!
Where's your tanks at? You can now sort by ground troops, so the planets with the most military units on them will be at the top.
The info panel when you hover on the pop icon now sorts the population by decreasing order, gives you their "real" value (same as when you look at a planet), with a fancy little racial icon, too.
Behind the scene, this now uses an iterator and a couple of tables instead of using a bunch of hard-coded variables for each known species. So it should work out of the box when new species get added (zubel larvas anyone?).
I've rewritten the tooltip when hovering on a ship from scratch, to use the game's built-in chibi drawer instead of the custom drawer that, for a reason or another, didn't work for me. (I got stuff like "Colony Shiptable <inserthexnumberhere> instead.)