Master of Orion is dead and being buried

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Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by bjg »
Isn't it truly horrible for a fan?
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Arioch »

In general I think it looks okay. I'm not thrilled with what I'm seeing of the real-time tactical combat, but unfortunately the video really didn't show us in any detail how it works.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by bjg »

Starlanes. Real time combat (didn't see him controlling it anyhow). Ships look like irons, buildings look like toasters (sitting on a planet at random places). Every screen (except the diplomacy and GNN) looks and feels not like MoO at all - this is all I'm saying.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by enpi »

bjg wrote:Starlanes. Real time combat (didn't see him controlling it anyhow). Ships look like irons, buildings look like toasters (sitting on a planet at random places). Every screen (except the diplomacy and GNN) looks and feels not like MoO at all - this is all I'm saying.
You are absolutely right. the new MOO4, while pretty and modern in the graphics department, in its strategic gameplay it is a stripped down MOO2. In tactical combat it even fails miserably. A real disappointment.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Arioch »

As a fan, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will take some time in early access to improve things.

I don't have a philosophical objection to starlanes as many seem to (maybe it's traumatic memory of MOO3?), but then I haven't actually played it.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by bjg »

I haven't played MoO3. Have played (and liked a lot) a 4X game with starlanes - "Remember Tomorrow" (coming back soon as "Polaris Sector").
Back to the subject (so called "new MoO"). It's prettiness is rather annoying, and there is pretty much nothing else. AI is nonexistent, gameplay is casualized. Game does not have a soul, which is probably hard to "add later".
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by evil713 »

Arioch wrote:As a fan, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will take some time in early access to improve things.

I don't have a philosophical objection to starlanes as many seem to (maybe it's traumatic memory of MOO3?), but then I haven't actually played it.
In moo3 the explanation was they were leftovers from the previous game, making travel between stars fast.

You could travel without them, butttttttt by the time you got to the target system you had gone though several technological epocs.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Zaskow »

That's why I don't worry for SiS.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Jodet »

Master of Orion has been released in early access, people are buying it and playing it.

Yet here it is being called 'dead' on the webpage of a game that has not had a 'state of the game' forum update in THIRTEEN MONTHS.

This hating on the new MOO... it's crazy.

I bought it and am enjoying it.

I bought SIS a year ago.... and nothing.

Can we please have a game update????
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by sven »

Jodet wrote:Yet here it is being called 'dead' on the webpage of a game that has not had a 'state of the game' forum update in THIRTEEN MONTHS.
Where are you going to look for update announcements? When major feature patches go up, I generally make a "global announcement" on these forums, and the most recent one was "Ground Combat" which posted about 7 weeks ago. Your game client should also auto-update to the most recent build if you start it up again. (If you're still on a year old build, that probably means there's some kind of configuration problem with your updater, maybe a firewall setting issue?)
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by bjg »

Jodet wrote:Yet here it is being called 'dead' on the webpage of a game ...
The topic was created by me, reflecting my personal opinion, and not (necessary) the opinion of the site's owners - don't point your anger at them.
I think that the game you've bought in early access is anything but MoO. Since it's done by guys holding the rights here goes the hope for the "Master of Orion" name.
In my opinion SiS is the closest successor to the MoO "soul". It's never pretended to be anything but early beta, and being developed quite fast (for two people team). Haven't seen it a year ago, but the changelog is quite big.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Jodet »

Thanks for the link to the changelog, I'd looked for one but hadn't found it. Very encouraging.
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by sven »

Jodet wrote:Thanks for the link to the changelog, I'd looked for one but hadn't found it. Very encouraging.
About a year ago, we added some features to the game updater that encourage people to take a look at the changelog page while the game is updating, but you were one of the very first testers, so that's a change that may have gone in after you last played :)

Another forum thread that gets updated without fanfare, but which is worth keeping an eye on if you just want to see how dev progress is going, is the "State of the Build" thread. Items have been steadily falling off, and Arioch and I do feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We still aren't able to make any no strong guarantees about just when SiS will release, but, I think you'll see the last few big features appearing inside the beta soon (tm).
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by Captainspire »

My biggest concerns were about 8 months before any working version was released and they gave us a hint as to the game, we (the existing community at the time) begged them for features to include and forgo. It was like we were talking with no one at all. I’m dead serious, we pointed out all the things that we love about Moo and Moo2 and hated to all avenues about Moo3 and pretty much we were given the smile while being stabbed in the face.

It baffles me that they put real money into the voice actors. Just look at the people they got. Yet again, diplomacy feature is weak, dialogue is campy as heck and I can imagine many other finer points we asked for will be ignored.

In all honesty, I can accept a real-time combat sim for this new Moo. When you have tons of ships, all your ships go then my ships go, can be down-right painful to manage. As fun as it was, in Moo2, you could have one well-made doom star take out 80 ships. Real time combat puts more into balance than powering through. The starlane thing killed me in Moo3 and I just hope they make it so the tech tree expands it to a universal travel as your tech improves.

I’m just not going to buy the game though. I feel there is so many things they need to improve that to play it now and a year from now will be a totally different game. I really miss the days where games shipped and boxed were done and ready.

SiS seems to have the avenue where everything is manageable and workable and not so far out, there is no turning back……right?
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Re: Master of Orion is dead and being buried

Post by rattle »

I can share the opinion on the new MoO. It feels like a dumbed down version of the previous games, in a very similar way I have felt about XCOM vs X-Com. As a long time MoO and MoO2 fan this is a disappointment.
I do see people enjoying it though.
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