Lore question about ship layouts

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Lore question about ship layouts

Post by nweismuller »

I have noted that most weapons hardpoints mount twice as many guns as are actually seen, but those that mount twice as many are in a dorsal configuration, as opposed to being on the extreme port or starboard (like heavy cruiser heavy mounts, which are on the extreme sides). Am I correct in assuming ship layouts generally mirror these dorsal mounts with ventral mounts?
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Re: Lore question about ship layouts

Post by Arioch »

The variable number of weapons per visible mount is a balancing factor between some of the later designs (which have a large number of visible mounts) and some of the earlier designs (such as the Asdhar cruiser, which was designed before we had any idea what the number or power of weapon mounts would be). In some cases these variable numbers could be rationalized by the notion that there are hidden mounts (perhaps on the underside) that we don't see, but in reality it's mainly a product of a somewhat haphazard design process.
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Re: Lore question about ship layouts

Post by username »

Is that why my impression of Ashdar ships is that all of them seem to be rubbish? Every time I compare an Ashdar hull to its equivalents in other races, they seem to be almost always inferior across the board. Bafflingly, the missile cruiser is even inferior as a missile boat to its own hulls! The Ashdar missile cruiser is only capable of throwing 5 missiles, whereas even a light cruiser can throw 6. With throw-weight being the dominant concern of missile fights, given the extremely short starting ranges, this basically makes the missile cruiser totally worthless. You had one job! ONE JOB!
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