Lore Question: Race Mind

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Lore Question: Race Mind

Post by nweismuller »

The technology description of Race Mind is somewhat vague on how this degree of unity-with-individuality is achieved. Obviously, this is super-futuristic sociology and I'm not expecting a full process, but how dystopian/utopian exactly do the designers envision this process as being? I can see anything from 'utopian society where most problems are solved means that they easily absorb new citizens, unite against outside threats, and avoid societal dysfunction' to 'pervasive conditioning short-circuiting dissent' to something in the middle with 'highly effective propaganda, nationalism, and genuine idealism helping cement loyalty'.

I apologise for dumb lore questions; I'm just trying to get a clearer view of the world the devs intend. (And, also, see if I no longer need to bother avoiding researching Race Mind because the default interpretation is a bit too creepy for me.)
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Re: Lore Question: Race Mind

Post by Arioch »

This is a top-tier technology, so in this case we are exploring the most extreme imaginable extents of social engineering.

At this most extreme imaginable level of ultra-tech, in which programs are legitimately sentient and internetworking penetrates into our very thought processes, I imagine that either society dissolves into chaos, or else we learn to integrate the thought processes of the individuals into the whole. Think of it as a technological form of telepathy.
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