I would presume I'm trying to understand the dynamics of the AI and I am playing on brutal mode so I also understand the AI has advantaged but:
1. The AI does not seem to have the return delay penalty when fleeing combat.
When I flee combat then turn around to attack the same system, I normally get a 2 day turn around time. The AI can re attack the next turn.
2. The AI enemies have painfully coordinated attacks.
I've noticed how the AI rallies their forces then strikes a single location. I think the term relentless comes to mind when this happens. This would not be so bad if the next observation wasnt happening.
2. Allies flee when they have the advantage but help when they have no chance.
This is the most aggravating. In a combined effort to stop an invading force, when our combined fleets would be able hold them off, my allies run to the next star system, leaving me out numbered. Yet, when they have barely any ships in the system that would make little or no difference, they stay.