Human scouts are Naked

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Human scouts are Naked

Post by Chasm »

I herby petition for human scouts to be clothed (armored). The 1st one you are issued always seems to randomly explode when the mess hall serves chili. Thank you.
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by sven »

Chasm wrote:I herby petition for human scouts to be clothed (armored). The 1st one you are issued always seems to randomly explode when the mess hall serves chili. Thank you.
Ok, yes, that's a bug :) Human scouts will get their armor slot in the next patch.
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by bjg »

You've made the "Humanity" as far from generic as you could, and mention it constantly. Yet humans start playing for that race as their first choice. :twisted:
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by sven »

bjg wrote:You've made the "Humanity" as far from generic as you could, and mention it constantly. Yet humans start playing for that race as their first choice. :twisted:
I've been tempted to lock humans behind an achievement -- for example, preventing players from choosing them until they've beat the game with one of the more standard races first. Right now, I'm not convinced they're actually harder than the other races (particularly on 'easy' difficulties), but, their early game is certainly more confusing for new players.
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by echo2361 »

The way I see it there is a nice big warning sign right there on the race selection screen when you pick humans so if people ignore that and rush to pick humans assuming they'll be pretty standard that is on them :)
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by bjg »

Just start with the dinosaurs - they where firs anyway. :lol:
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by Chasm »

Make an amazon space elf race (ala Outsider). I daresay that will mix it up a little in terms of what humans play 1st... :P
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Re: Human scouts are Naked

Post by mharmless »

sven wrote:Right now, I'm not convinced they're actually harder than the other races (particularly on 'easy' difficulties), but, their early game is certainly more confusing for new players.
Human colonists are pretty bad, and one thing that I end up doing a lot is really leveraging the other races to work for me. I've been assuming it will get even harder once the morale thing goes in, which will make it more difficult to get out from under the disadvantage of relatively poor colonists.

Second thing that might be contributing; money. The human fleet gives a good trade income as soon as you do set down some roots. I'm reaching a bit here, but if there were a later game technology that allowed a colony ship to have more than one colonist in it, perhaps humans could start with one of these and one or two freighters, instead of so many freighters?

Alternately, perhaps Humans should start with no metal, which might make scrapping a freighter or two a worthwhile early move and dampen the economic edge?
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