Planets not very interesting?

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Planets not very interesting?

Post by Ashbery76 »

So you have different building slot numbers.Is that it? No traits,resources or planet specials planned?
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by Awaras »

Ashbery76 wrote:So you have different building slot numbers.Is that it? No traits,resources or planet specials planned?
It's a Beta. Many features are yet to be implemented. Read the Planned features FAQ.
We plan to include a variety of planetary and system specials, more interaction with the minor factions that are sometimes found on planets, and a few honest space monsters. We also plan to make the pirate and marauder factions much more active, rather than simply guarding systems, we'll be giving them the ability to launch raids on nearby systems, to offer shady deals, or even hire themselves out as mercenaries for the right price.
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by Arioch »

Each planet type contains different biomes, which appeal to populations of different races. Moving the appropriate colonists to the right planet (Thresher colonists, for example, to an Island world) will increase the population cap and the number of infrastructure slots.

As Awaras mentioned, we are still in the process of adding features. We are adding some new basic resources (food and minerals) which will be strongly impacted by planet type, a number of special resources and other planet specials (including the native populations which are already in the game, but don't do much currently other than just sit there). We also want to add (time and resources permitting) some more exotic special planets with unique features.
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by enpi »

Arioch wrote:Each planet type contains different biomes, which appeal to populations of different races. Moving the appropriate colonists to the right planet (Thresher colonists, for example, to an Island world) will increase the population cap and the number of infrastructure slots.

As Awaras mentioned, we are still in the process of adding features. We are adding some new basic resources (food and minerals) which will be strongly impacted by planet type, a number of special resources and other planet specials (including the native populations which are already in the game, but don't do much currently other than just sit there). We also want to add (time and resources permitting) some more exotic special planets with unique features.

A problem is that without having the key numbers and game mechanics how a certain biome would benefit a race the incentive to shuffle colonist is not there. The question arise during gameplay: why should I sacrifice valuable freighters (and loose money) to move colonist to the correct biome when I dont know exaclty if the benefit is high enough?

So we would need the numbers behind this biome thing and also an game info which races prefers which biome.

Good to hear that you want to advance the planet stats. The planets could need more game infos and feats. And please, while I love the fluff you wrote, dont mix this background info freely with the actual game stats. Just keep it in seperate background sections so that those who are not interested in the fluff are not forced to read fluff in order to get the crunch. AFAIK, the consensus in modern game design, is, that fluff and crunch should be visibly seperated from each other.
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by Awaras »

enpi wrote:A problem is that without having the key numbers and game mechanics how a certain biome would benefit a race the incentive to shuffle colonist is not there. The question arise during gameplay: why should I sacrifice valuable freighters (and loose money) to move colonist to the correct biome when I dont know exaclty if the benefit is high enough?
If you pick up a unit of population, and you then place your mouse cursor over the target planet, you will get a popup saying +X pop if that planet is well suited for that race. If you transport that population unit to that planet, the max population of the planet will increase by X.
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by TheDeadlyShoe »

The biomes arn't an immediately obvious feature, and IMO since they are the most important aspect of a planet they should be highlighted more prominently.

Also, there should be use of color coding or someother means of highlighting which biomes are important to you. For example, your races best biomes could be highlighted in Green, while the good biomes of other races in the empire could be in yellow. Bad biomes for every race could be highlighted in red or grey.

another method could be the use of dashes, since that's already used to indicate colonizable planets..
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Re: Planets not very interesting?

Post by Arioch »

I agree that the biome information needs to be better communicated. We have some additional mechanisms still to add (including population morale, and resources that interact with morale and growth such as food), in the process of which some of the existing mechanisms will change. Once that's done, then we will revamp the population-related UI elements.
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