The rules in the build right now are actually a bit more complex and subtle -- basically, metal is subtracted as needed each turn, but, if you already have a stockpile of wrenches on the planet, then you need a matching stockpile of metal to switch production to the target ship.Gyrfalcon wrote:You can, however, use Stockpile to save up production until the metal is ready.Unbroken wrote:
- Similarly, you can't queue a ship unless you have the cost in metal on hand - another annoyance when you're making tons of metal/turn, but just spent it on something.
This can get very weird. For example, if you have 200 wrenches worth of production in a partially complete Factory, and want to switch production to a Transport, which would normally take 132 wrenches and 140 metal (thus, it would be 100% complete after the switch), then you need to have 140 metal on hand.
However, if you want to put those 200 wrenches into a battleship that costs 800 wrenches and 120 metal, then the post-switch project will only be 25% percent complete, so you'll only need 30 metal to make the switch. And starting a ship building project on a planet with 0-wrenches saved actually requires no metal, though, because most planets currently almost always have some stored wrench production, this rarely happens in practice.
tl;dr: The details of the ship production system, as it exists right now, are behaving in ways that even I sometimes find a bit confusing, and I'm convinced that it eventually needs to change.
The core change, pretty clearly, is to stop carrying over wrenches from one project over to another. This will mean people will never see "insufficient metal" errors when trying to start building ships. Instead, you'll only get into trouble if you run out of metal because you were running a deficit -- a situation that makes more sense intuitively; and which we could reasonably handle by either pausing production on any effected worlds, and/or giving you a warning notification.
One subtle detail that needs to be decided is whether or not to carry production left by the *same* production project. For example, if you're building a factory, then switch to a destroyer, then switch back to the factory, should you keep your old factory progress? Personally, I feel like you probably should -- as this is one of those places where think it's both unnecessary and counter-productive to penalize the player for changing their plans.
However -- there's a complication here, which is that if we keep old wrench-production around, then we also probably need to keep old metal-production around, rather than returning any metal in an unfinished ship to your global supply, as is currently done.
I need to think all of this through a little more, but, right now, I'm leaning towards trying to come up with a set of rules that, while perhaps still a bit complex in terms of the details of just how it handles project switching, is less confusing in the common cases of switching between different construction projects.