Feb 01 - Initial testing / installation

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Re: Feb 01 - Initial testing / installation

Post by sven »

mharmless wrote: So, two vs two fight. My escort has marine bays, so does the scout. Conducted a boarding action on one enemy ship with my scout, doesn't appear to have worked one way or the other. Advance with the escort, I am unable to choose to board.
As I believe I mentioned in my "State of the Build" post, we need much better UI feedback to give players a sense of whats going on during boarding actions. Also, boarding, as a mechanic, has some significant balance issues right now.

But, in theory, inside the current build, you should be able to board other ships if:

1) You haven't boarded anyone thus far this turn.
2) Your ship's tactical tile *overlaps* the tactical tile of the target ship. If you fly close enough to board, the boardable ship should show a little orange halo as you queue up the move order.

There's a tiny green vertical bar that shows in the lower left hand HUD of the selected ship. It should change from green (if you haven't boarded) to yellow (if you have). It also shrinks as you run low on marines.

Um -- it's not a good UI. It may also not be a great core mechanic. But, that's how it's currently supposed to work. Given how subtle all the UI feedback is, I suspect this may not be a case of a bug proper -- just some justifiable confusion resulting from UI that's badly in need of an upgrade.
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Re: Feb 01 - Initial testing / installation

Post by mharmless »

I kind of like boarding, maybe with some nerfs? Wouldn't be the end of the world if it was gone either, just kinda neat to have another side's ships under your banner. Particularly when they're using gear you can't yet.

Anyway, just wrapping up for the night, so here's another dump. Pasted in and edited a bit. Was going to cut into two posts because I have more than three files to upload, but looks like the limit got upped, so thanks for that. As usual, bold means I think its a actual bug.

Trying humanity again, like the idea of the nomad fleet. Toliman, nice system with an unfortunate pirate presence.

Looks like the scrolling events for a system include the colonize button, before resolving combat events. Tried breaking that, both by hitting colonize and fleeing the battle, and by hitting colonize and then getting destroyed. Doesn't look like pressing colonize matters when a fight is outstanding.

New game. Human scout vs two destroyers. Self destruct wasn't good enough. Alt-space rewinds combat, nice.

Used transport in another system, captured a destroyer in boarding action. Did not get to keep the vessel. I was only able to make this screenshot by clicking through the battle report on to the fleet. This may not be intentional behavior, the full screen report looks like it should not be passing clicks through to the star map.
Captured, but not captured.PNG
Captured, but not captured.PNG (425.18 KiB) Viewed 7241 times

Crash after encountering a Phidi scout at Nunki. I had two transports in orbit, and was absolutely willing to Do What I Must, but declined the attack option. So did they, apparently, and then crash. Error refers to planet images, city glow, garden? Bug report sent. I had recently brought the world up to 4? humans, and it wasn't far from ticking to 5. City lights change with pop perhaps?

New game, going to find me a garden and populate it. Ashdar Colonials start on a garden, picking them. The world looks different than the garden I had before. More landmass in the image. Poking around for gardens. Scout finds Cheleb and gets attacked by 3 pirates. I simply select the scout from main menu and give him move orders. This is apparently not clever enough to evade combat, the scout is now part of the pirate fleet. Captured I presume.

Got the notion to break colonization/scrapping, using ability to click through to the starmap. Select colony ship, scroll map to see system in the gap under status, click star, now I have both colonize and scrap buttons available to me at once. I tried for several minutes to get both commands entered at once, but wasn't able to pull it off. I'm assuming this bit of robustness is related to the order queuing/undoing thing you gents have going on, so hats off to whoever architected that.

Edit picket cruiser design, remove warp lane amp for marines. Explore. Settle Adhara. Explore, fight at Shaula. Capturing a destroyer with the marine-picket did give me the destroyer. Scouts seem clearly better than destroyers for some reason.

I had been ignoring the pirate fleet over Cheleb. They disappeared. I don't know exactly when that happened. I sent a transport alone to verify, and yup. 1243 when I noticed this. Wound back time. Year end between 1235 and 1236 is when they disappeared. Save uploaded with this post. No discernible reason why they disappeared, nowhere for them to go that I wasn't at. Later on in the night, as I was pushing outward, I would be informed that I encountered a race in a system, but the system would be empty. Multiple species happened this way. Suspect there might be a general 'ships disappearing' thing going on. Save attached as "Pirates Just Disappeared.rar"

Enemy race attacking my system. two pickets and an outpost stationed over the local gas giant, system Pollux. They win the fight, then immediately get a crash about pop_growth.lua types missing type Gas Giant. Load autosave, go into fight again, start clicking around. Looks like selecting the gas giant and then attempting to get a detailed report on it causes the crash. Load the save, start the fight, self destruct all my units. End of fight crash still. Save attached as "Gas Giant Battle Crash.rar". Load the fight, fight to win. Victory does not cause the crash. Carrying forward.

Have escort cruisers now. The default escort cruiser design has two warp lane amplifiers mounted. Have military transport design, thanks to docking fields. Hey, a docking slot! And planetary assault shuttles! excellent.

I can edit the design of "Planet Defenses 1", but can't change the name.

Opening ship design via escape menu, looking at planet defenses, going to a new design, then canceling, caused a crash. Uploaded. Load save, esc menu, ship design, new design, escape. Crash. Load save, esc, ship design, new design, close with X, crash. Save attached as "Ship Design Crash.rar"

Trimmed a bunch of messing around trying to nail down the crash. Highlights:
-Brand new game, these steps do not crash.
-New game, adding new designs out to 15 did not crash it. Did not go beyond 15.
-Time rewinding showed 1294 is when I discovered defense grid and got planet defenses, and that the first year where the crash will reproduce is 1295. Possibly related?
-New game bee-lining for defense grid to get defense, was still not able to reproduce the crash.

Continuing forward from an autosave in the vicinity of the ship design crash. Get into a tactical fight, crashes as soon as that loads. Save point attached as "Immediate Combat Crash.rar"

Loaded the marked save, I've got both an attack and a defend option in that system. I choose attack instead. No crash. Load save. Crash. Experiment a bit, looks like loading a save in tactical battle causes a crash. Uploaded. No save to attach, this one is reproducible right out the gate with a new game.

Moving on with that world, I've invaded Astir system and captured some members of the Yoral race. Built a colony ship there, it spawned with that race as expected. The colony screen says the small iceball in their system is only worth 2 pop, but settling it shows 3 instead. Looks like not reflecting the population in the ship offering the colonization? How to handle multiple ships with different races, in that case? Dunno. Design issue, if it even is one.

Defending against an attack, immediate crash in tactical combat again. I've not been able to make this reproduce consistently previously. Sent data. Restart game, load autosave, Attacked at Seralta, defend, enemy advances, slight pause, crash. Uploaded again, save stashed. As before, advancing turn and then choosing to go on the offense does not crash. This one seems to crash consistently at least. Uploaded as "Immediate Combat Crash 2.rar". I know, so creative.

Finished a colony ship at multi-racial world Capella II this turn. Snakes/Humans. The citizens in the ship are snakemen, no humans. The pop of the citizens on the planet does not decrease. Hrm, exploit this somehow? Refit the colony ship at capella after removing the snakeman. Switch out reactor to change the design. Refits in one turn. Hrm can no longer load population. Does not seem to impact new colony ships, just the refit one. Reverse time, refit ship while population on board. Population is (apparently) destroyed. Loading pop I'm not offered a choice of which race to load. Grabs highest pop, or first pop?

Question for next time. I'm so very out of time tonight.
Immediate Combat Crash 2.rar
(255.29 KiB) Downloaded 635 times
Immediate Combat Crash.rar
(201.58 KiB) Downloaded 643 times
Ship Design Crash.rar
(195.33 KiB) Downloaded 635 times
Gas Giant Battle Crash.rar
(166.67 KiB) Downloaded 640 times
Pirates Just Disappeared.rar
(150.55 KiB) Downloaded 680 times
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